ΜΑ04 – Αγγειακά εγκεφαλικά επεισόδια (Κύκλος σπουδών 2024-25)

MA04 – Stroke (Study Cycle 2024-25)

MA04: Strokes (11 hours)

Course leaders: Prof. E. Dardiotis, Associate Professor G. Daios

Friday, 17/05/2024 (Course supervisor: Prof. E. Dardiotis)

16:00-17:00 Etiology of hemorrhagic strokes, diagnosis, treatment. B. Siokas




Reversal of anticoagulation in anticoagulated patients with hemorrhagic stroke. Resumption of anticoagulants after intracranial hemorrhage.

Clinical examples.


B. Siokas



B. Siokas

18:00-18:45 Antithrombotic treatment in patients with venous sinus thrombosis.

Clinical examples.

G. Xiromerissou
18:45-19:00 G. Xiromerissou


Intravenous thrombolysis.

Clinical examples.

G. Tstail

G. Tstail


Saturday, 18/05/2024 (Course supervisor: Prof. G. Daios)

09:00-09:45 Etiology of ischemic stroke, diagnosis, general treatment principles.

Clinical examples.

K. Vemmos
09:45-10:00 K. Vemmos
10:00-11:00 Antithrombotic treatment in patients with atherosclerotic stroke.

Clinical examples.

Ch. Milionis
11:00-11:30 A. Lions
11:30-12:30 Etiological investigation of embolic focus in patients with ischemic stroke.

Clinical examples.

C. Daios
12:30-13:00 C. Daios
13:00-14:00 Break time





Antithrombotic treatment in patients with transient or mild established ischemic stroke. Antithrombotic treatment in patients with ischemic stroke due to atrial fibrillation or mechanical heart valve.

Clinical examples.


E. Koroboki




E. Koroboki






Antithrombotic treatment in patients with embolic stroke of undetermined origin. Antithrombotic treatment in patients with vacuolar stroke.

Clinical examples.


N. Kakaletsis




A. Lions



Thrombophilia and stroke.

Clinical examples.

G. Caiaphas

G. Caiaphas

Date: 17-18 May 2024
From: 16:00-20:00
To: 09:00-17:00
Location: Online