The mission of the PMS "Thrombosis and Antithrombotic Education" is to cultivate and promote, through academic and applied teaching and research, the high-level training of researchers and health professionals in the preventive control, diagnosis and treatment of thrombosis, as well as thorough knowledge of the various antithrombotic drugs, their use and the treatment of their complications. To provide its Graduates with the necessary supplies that will ensure their proper training for their academic, scientific and research careers in the area of the United Europe.

Based on the most up-to-date bibliographic data, the training will help postgraduate students to understand in depth both the pathophysiology of Thromboembolic Disease and its various treatments.

Thrombosis in all its forms, arterial and venous, is a major medical and social problem and one of the main causes of death worldwide. In addition, it is involved in a multitude of other diseases and involves many medical specialties in daily practice.

Antithrombotic treatment tries to solve various problems both in the treatment and prevention of thrombosis, but many times it itself leads to various complications, even life-threatening. The continuous release of new drugs and the modification of the various indications often make it difficult for doctors who are not so familiar with thrombosis and who often face problems with their patients to apply it correctly.

The master's degree is addressed to all health professionals (doctors, nurses, laboratory technicians), who want to enrich their knowledge on thrombosis and antithrombotic treatment, but also to gain experience in the correct treatment of often complex situations related to them.

In this way, the PMS will help in the in-depth training of specialties dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of thromboembolic disease. Thus, it will significantly contribute to the staffing of the national health system with qualified medical personnel.

These objectives and the criteria of the PMS will be evaluated in accordance with article 44 of Law 4485/2017. Finally, the PMS will be evaluated on an annual basis for its effectiveness based on procedures and criteria established by the Internal Quality Assurance System of the University of Thessaly.

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