
We would like to inform you that Given the current conditions regarding the evolution of the pandemic, we consider it appropriate to convert the holding of the 6th IMETHA Winter School on February 18 and 19, 2022 to an online format.


On behalf of the members of its Board of Directors Thrombosis Study and Education Institute and Antithrombotic Education (IMETHA), I have the honor and pleasure to welcome you to the 6th Winter School on the topic: "Cancer and Thrombosis. Past, Present and Future", which will take place INTERNET, at February 18-19, 2022. Among the objectives of IMETHA, an important place is the education and continuous information of the scientific community about developments in the scientific field of thrombosis and antithrombotic treatment. Given that no medical specialty provides all the required knowledge for understanding and further deepening this scientific field, IMETHA organizes a Winter School every year with a different theme each time. The School provides at postgraduate level all the modern knowledge in the specialized subject which is dealt with in each School. The courses last 2 days and can be attended by HEI or TEI graduates who are engaged in research on issues related to thrombosis and its clinical manifestations or are professionally active in areas related to the above scientific field, such as doctors of various specialties, basic scientists, scientific staff of pharmaceutical companies, etc.

The 6th IMETHA Winter School is dedicated to an important topic concerning thrombosis in cancer patients. Indeed, thrombosis is a serious complication of patients with neoplastic diseases and an important cause of morbidity and mortality, since 1 in 5 oncological patients will experience thrombosis at some point in the course of the disease. At the 6th Winter School, a wide range of topics will be discussed, such as pathophysiology and epidemiology of thrombosis in cancer patients, models of thrombosis risk assessment, recommendations for thromboprophylaxis in these patients, etc. Also, clinical examples of thrombosis in special categories of cancer patients will be presented. IMETHA makes every effort to ensure that the level of the 6th Winter School is particularly high, and in this context it has chosen internationally renowned Greek scientists covering a wide range of specialties as instructors. We believe that the interest of the scientific community in the 6th IMETHA Winter School will be great and the benefits that will arise for the participants significant, which will highlight this scientific event as one of the most important scientific-educational activities in our country for the 2022.

Thank you in advance for your interest and for your active participation.



The subscription includes:

• Receipt of electronic conference materials (e-Final Program)
• Access to the online Conference Platform for rebroadcasting the Program
• Certificate of attendance with 11 Points (CME Credits) from the Panhellenic Medical Association (P. I. S.) for the medical specialties.

To register you should NECESSITY
to complete the following REGISTRATION FORM.

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The registered delegates will receive electronically the conference material, the connection link to the digital platform as well as the password for their entry to the webcast platform, before the start of the Conference.



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