Trauma and medical emergency

Course Professor
Chatziioanou Ioannis
Professor of Otolaryngology
ioanchat@med.uth.grObjectives of the course (intended learning outcomes)
Course code: ΜΑ03Upon completion of the training the student will be able to :
– Critically analyse the basic principles of major trauma management
– Describe the effects of major trauma on patients including the extremes of age
Understand the principles of collaboration between different specialties in treatment
Year of study: 1stContent of the course
Semester: 1st– Craniocerebral injuries – spinal injuries – emergency (aneurysms, bleeding, infections)
– Maxillofacial injuries
– Trauma to the cervical region – larynx – oesophagus
– Basic Airway Management – Tracheotomy – post-operative care, nursing care
– Chest injuries – emergency/heavy chest cases
– Abdominal injuries and acute cases – Shock
– Treatment of Burns
– Major Trauma to the musculoskeletal system (pelvis – limbs)
– Injuries – severe urogenital injuries
– Injuries/heavy incidents in pregnant women
ECTS: 10 
 Recommended literature
 Students are given articles and reviews from the International Bibliography
 Teaching and learning methods
 Lectures, tutorials, practical training in the management of the tracheotomized patient, observation of elective tracheotomies.
 Evaluation/grading methods
 Written exams 80%, skills demonstration 20%

Teaching Language: Greek – English