Rehabilitation and Psychosocial Management

Course Professor

Sgantzos Markos
Associate Professor of Anatomy – History of Medicine

sgantzos@med.uth.grObjectives of the course (intended learning outcomes)
Course code: ΜΓ01– Knowledge of the basic principles of the International Classification of Functioning (ICF)
– Knowledge of the basic principles of neuroplasticity
– Understanding of basic higher brain functions
– Understanding of speech and swallowing disorders
Understanding of factors relating to or affecting psychosocial rehabilitation
Year of study: 2ndCourse content
Semester: 3rd-Assessment of functionality with the international classification ICF; ICD 10 and ICF
– Principles of neuroplasticity
– Assessment of higher brain functions. Speech disorders. Speech therapy
– Treatment of swallowing disorders in the severely affected person. Swallowing disorders – Assessment of swallowing. -Retraining of swallowing
– Nutritional management of the critically ill patient, assessment of nutritional status, biochemical markers, anthropometric markers, feeding modalities (parenteral, enteral feeding), nutritional supplements
– Management of orthocystic disorders in critically ill patients
– Assessment and management of neuropsychological disorders in the critically ill
– Agitation and delirium in the ICU. Prevention and treatment
– Rehabilitation of people with Disorganization Syndrome after hospitalization in Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
– Pressure ulcers-pressure ulcers of the critically ill. definition, staging, prevention, treatment
– Social history. The role of the social worker in rehabilitation. The patient in the ICU.
– The patient and his family. The role of the caregiver. And after ICU what? Preparing the patient for the transition to Rehabilitation structures Rehabilitation structures at tertiary, secondary level. CAA, CFIAP. Rehabilitation in the community
– Case study
ECTS: 10 
 Recommended literature to study
 Students are given articles and reviews from the International Bibliography
 Teaching and learning methods
 The module is taught in the form of academic lectures and tutorial exercises and assignments. Some modules use the methods of working groups and real-life problem solving to encourage feedback learning.
 Evaluation/grading methods
 Written exams 70%, Assignment 30%

Teaching language: Greek