Research Methodology

Course Professor
Pantazopoulos Ioannis
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine
ipantazop@uth.grObjectives of the course (intended learning outcomes)
Course code: ΜΓ03– Understand published work and assess the usefulness and potential application of its results.
– Knowledge of the principles of scientific question formulation.
– Knowledge of documents necessary for conducting research
– Knowledge of ethical and moral rules governing research
– Knowledge of basic principles of research design
– Knowledge of skills necessary for data collection, analysis and interpretation.
– Knowledge of quantitative and qualitative methods of data analysis
– Familiarity with data analysis using biostatistical software
-Knowledge of the journal selection process and article submission process
Year of study: 2ndCourse content
Semester: 3rd– Introduction. Categorisation of Scientific Articles
– How the scientific question is formulated
– Creating the necessary forms for conducting research
– Material and Methods. Best international practices in writing Material and Methods
– Methodology for writing the introduction and title of a scientific article
– Basic principles of statistical analysis
– Methodology for writing a statistical analysis in a scientific article
-Bibliographic research methodology for scientific publication
– Article submission procedure
– Methodology of Writing – Presentation of Results
– Methodology of Writing – Presentation of Discussion – Conclusions
– Methodology for selecting a scientific journal
– Methodology for Writing a Scientific Communication
ECTS: 10 
 Recommended literature to study
 Students are given articles and reviews from the International Bibliography
 Teaching and learning methods
 Presentations, practical exercises, working groups
 Evaluation/grading methods
 Assignement 50%, Exams 50%

Teaching language: Greek – English