Clinical Practice

Course Professor
Zakynthinos Epameinondas
Professor in Critical Care
ezakynth@med.uth.grObjectives of the course (intended learning outcomes)
Course code: ΜΔ01– Understanding the working environment of care and nursing specialists for the critically ill
– Understanding the care environment of the critically ill
– Acquiring knowledge of technology and the logistical infrastructure to support the critically ill
– Acquiring knowledge in the implementation of therapeutic interventions and treatments for the critically ill
– Understanding of the structure and functioning of teamwork in hospital and care settings for the critically ill
– Understanding of the hierarchical structure and distribution of work in the care and treatment of the critically ill
Year of study: 2ndCourse content
Εξάμηνο: 4ο– Laboratory exercise in the care of the critically ill
– Monitoring the medical work of the critically ill
– Monitoring of nursing work of the critically ill
– Monitoring of physiotherapy for the critically ill
– Monitoring the work of ward assistants for the critically ill
– Monitoring of procedures for coordination and implementation of teamwork in critically ill patients
– Technological support tools for the critically ill
ECTS: 10 
 Recommended literature to study
 Students are given articles and reviews from the International Bibliography
 Teaching and learning methods
 Attendance and participation in the Intensive Care Unit or the Department of Rehabilitation. Attendance, participation in specific operations and completion of the corresponding log book
 Evaluation/grading methods
 Teaching language: Greek


ICU General University Hospital of Larissa

Student Health Care

 “Undergraduate and postgraduate students and doctoral candidates, who have no other medical and hospital care, are entitled to full medical and hospital care in the National Health System (NHS) with coverage of the relevant costs by the National Organization for the Provision of Health Services (NPOH), in accordance with article 33 of Law 4368/2016 (A΄83)”.

Therefore, no more Health Booklets will be issued to uninsured students of the University of Thessaly and we kindly ask those students who received Health Booklets in the past to return them to the Department’s Secretariat.

The issue of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) for uninsured students who travel to countries of the European Union and the EEA for educational purposes, will be carried out by the Directorate of Student Affairs. Any costs incurred will be covered by the University of Thessaly.

The following documents are required for the granting of the E.K.A.A:

1) Application.

2) Certificate from the Office of International Relations for the period of their travel abroad.

3) Photocopy of Academic Identity Card.