Deficiencies of organs and systems

Course Professor

Makris Demosthenes
Professor in Critical Care Objectives of the course (intended learning outcomes)  
Lesson Code: ΜΑ01 – Knowledge of the basic concepts related to organ and system failures
– Understand the basic principles of pathophysiology underlying deficiencies of the respiratory, circulatory, renal, neurological, haematopoietic systems
– Understand the differentiations between deficiencies of the respiratory, circulatory, nephrovascular, neurological and haematopoietic systems
– Be able to understand the basic clinical signs indicating organ and system deficiencies
– Be able to understand basic diagnostic techniques related to organ and systemic deficiencies
– Be able to understand the basic concepts of multi-organ failure
Year of study: 1st Course content  
Semester: 1st – Frequent diseases of the central-peripheral nervous system and muscles leading to respiratory failure
– Common airway diseases leading to respiratory failure
– Renal failure – Mechanisms, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
– Respiratory failure – mechanisms – symptoms
– Coronary artery disease
– Heart failure – mechanisms
– Hypertension
– Valvular diseases
– Common diseases of the nervous system in critically ill patients
– Anaemia-Leukopenia-Thrombocytopenia
– Multi-organ failure – Scores
– Circulatory insufficiency – Monitoring
– Common pulmonary parenchymal diseases leading to respiratory failure
ECTS: 10  
  Recommended literature  
  Students are given articles and reviews from the International Bibliography  
  Teaching and learning methods  
  The module is taught in the form of academic lectures and tutorial exercises and assignments. Some modules use the methods of working groups and real-life problem solving to encourage feedback learning.  
  Evaluation/grading methods
  Written exams 70%, homework 30%,

Teaching language: Greek