
Course Professor
Sgantzos Markos

Associate Professor of Anatomy – History of Medicine
sgantzos@med.uth.grObjectives of the course (intended learning outcomes)
Course code: ΜΒ03– Knowledge of the complications that can occur in the critically ill patient and their prevention. and the basic concepts and ways of dealing with individual complications when they occur.
– Understanding of basic physiotherapy principles by system of systems and complication and the role in their prevention.
Year of study: 1οCourse content
Semester: 2nd– Complications of prolonged prostration – immobilization;
– Sarcopenia – Decondition syndrome
– Osteoporosis from immobilization
– Spasticity and treatment (medication, botulinum toxin, early implantation of baclofen pump, splints (dynamic, static)
– Constrictions-ricks in the severely affected person. Prevention
– Ectopic ossification: pathophysiology, early diagnosis, treatment (conservative, surgical)
– Orthotic bedside aids
– Pain and pain management in the severely ill patient
– Early mobilisation in ICU, criteria, protocols, contraindications, assistive technology (tilt table, robotic assisted tilt table – principles of robotics). Rehabilitation aids in the ICU
-Cardiopulmonary physiotherapy in the ICU
– Musculoskeletal physiotherapy in the ICU
– Neural physiotherapy in the ICU
ECTS: 10 
 Recommended literature to study
 Students are given articles and reviews from the International Bibliography
 Teaching and learning methods
 The module is taught in the form of academic lectures and tutorial exercises and assignments. Some modules use the methods of working groups and real-life problem solving to encourage feedback learning.
 Evaluation/grading methods
 Written exams 70%, Assignment 30%

Teaching language: Greek