Principles of Rehabilitation

Course Professor
Sgantzos Markos

Associate Professor of Anatomy – History of Medicine

sgantzos@med.uth.grObjectives of the course (intended learning outcomes)
Course code: ΜΒ02– Knowledge of the basic concepts related to Rehabilitation, disability and impairment and functionality
– Understanding of the basic principles of pathophysiology underlying conditions leading to loss of function and disability
– Knowledge of complications and ability to recognise clinical signs predisposing to organ and system failure
– Be able to understand the basic principles of the rehabilitation programme and targeting in both the short and long term
– be able to understand the basic concepts of prevention of complications in the critically ill patient
– To be able to understand the deficiencies of the systems of the critically ill patient with preexisting disability such as cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and nervous systems, etc.
Year of study: 1stCourse content
Semester: 2nd– Concepts and definitions of Rehabilitation. The multidisciplinary rehabilitation team in the treatment of the severely ill patient
– Effect of ICU hospitalisation on the various systems of the body – immobilisation syndrome
– Clinical assessment of a patient in the ICU
– Assessment scales for the severely ill patient. Measurement tools (scales) for the rehabilitation of the ICU patient
– The patient in a vegetative state
– Rehabilitation of a patient with stroke
– Rehabilitation of a patient with CKD
– Rehabilitation of a patient with an NM lesion
– Rehabilitation of the patient with neuromuscular diseases
– Rehabilitation of a patient with acute respiratory failure
– Rehabilitation of patient with multiorgan failure
– Rehabilitation in patient with tracheostomy – mechanical support
– Rehabilitation of the patient with Myopathy Unit
– Rehabilitation of a patient after hospitalisation in ICU
– The pediatric patient in the ICU. Rehabilitation
– Exit criteria
– Case studies
ECTS: 10 
 Recommended literature to study
 Students are given articles and reviews from the International Bibliography
 Teaching and learning methods
 The module is taught in the form of academic lectures and tutorial exercises and assignments. Some modules use the methods of working groups and real-life problem solving to encourage feedback learning.
 Evaluation/grading methods
 Written exams 70%, Assignment 30%

Teaching language: Greek