
Course Professor

Makris Demosthenes

Professor in Critical Care

dimomakris@med.uth.grObjectives of the course (intended learning outcomes)
Course code: ΜΔ02– The teaching of the course aims to:
– Understand the principles of presenting scientific data in written text  and in public presentation using multimedia
– Understanding the structure of a scientific text
– Acquisition of knowledge for the production of a scientific text based on international requirements and criteria for acceptable publication in peer-reviewed medical journals
– Acquiring specialised knowledge in one of the fields of management and rehabilitation of critically ill patients
– Application of knowledge of statistical data processing
Year of study: 2ndCourse content
Semester: 4th– Searching for data and information related to the production of a scientific text
– Production of a written text based on international requirements and criteria for acceptable publication in peer-reviewed medical journals
– Presentation of scientific data in a public presentation using multimedia
ECTS: 20 
 Recommended literature to study
 Guide for Postgraduate Diploma Thesis
 Teaching and learning methods
 Guidance and supervision of the progress by the members of the Examination Committee
 Evaluation/grading methods
 Public, oral presentation by the students (100% of the final grade). The grading criteria include the quality of the written text, the adequacy of the methodological design and conduct of the research and the quality of the oral presentation.

Teaching language: Greek