Feeding Students
December 10, 2023 2025-01-13 14:50Feeding Students
- The students of the University of Thessaly submit electronics her Application for the granting of free meals, through the appropriate online platform of the University of Athens. (https://merimna.uth.gr), using their institutional account codes. Applications are submitted before the end of the current academic year, and on dates set by the Directorate of Student Welfare, in order for students to receive meals for the following academic year.
- The freshmen students submit the application electronically after completing the registration-identification at the Department Secretariats and obtaining their institutional account codes and on dates set by the Student Affairs Directorate
13-01-2025 Παράταση προθεσμίας για Στέγαση Και Σίτιση Πρωτοετών Φοιτητών/Τριών Από Μετεγγραφή
08-01-2025 Παράταση προθεσμίας για Στέγαση Και Σίτιση Πρωτοετών Φοιτητών/Τριών Από Μετεγγραφή
11-12-2024 Στέγαση και Σίτιση Πρωτοετών φοιτητών/τριών
17-10-2024 Υπενθύμιση για Εκκρεμότητες στην Πλατφόρμα Σίτισης
02-10-2024 Extension of the Deadline for Submitting Student Feeding Applications P.Th.
27-09-2024 Submission of Boarding and Housing Applications for first-year students
31-07-2024 Extension of Submission of Applications for Free Feeding until 20-08-2024
27-05-2024 EStart of Submission of Applications for Free Feeding Ac. Years 2024-2025
We inform the students of the University of Thessaly, undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral candidates, that they will submit electronics her Application for the granting of free meals, through the University's online platform (https://merimna.uth.gr), using their institutional account codes. To access the online platform of Feeding Applications from a computer outside the P.T. network, you should make use of it Virtual Private Network (VPN).
Applications for free feeding are submitted by Monday, May 27 up to and including Wednesday, July 31, 2024
A necessary condition for the submission of the application is that the act of Administrative Tax Determination has been issued (former settlement note for the tax year 2023)
ATTENTION: Her students Larisa and her Karditsa who are going to apply for "Housing-Feeding" they will not resubmit application for feeding because at the same time their application is also evaluated for feeding.
22-05-2024 Start of submitting Applications for the right to Housing & for free Meals in Larissa and Karditsa acad. year 2024-2025
We inform the students of the Departments of the University of Thessaly based in Larissa and Carditsa, who wish to live in the Student Residences, that they will submit electronics her Application through the online platform of the University of Thessaly (https://merimna.uth.gr/) using their institutional account codes (use of VPN is required). Students applying for Housing apply for Food at the same time, so they are required to select the indicator "Housing and Feeding" in order to submit an Application.
– Applications will be submitted by Thursday, May 23 up to and including Tuesday June 11, 2024.
ATTENTION: Interested students just for the free feeding, they will be informed with a newer announcement about the submission of their application.
A necessary condition for submitting an application is the issuance of the 2023 Administrative Tax Determination Act (former Settlement Note).
Student Restaurants
Free meals are provided to eligible students, upon presentation of Academic ID.
- Central Student Restaurant in Biopolis (At the premises of the School of Health Sciences at Mezourlos, tel: 2410 685505).
- Breakfast 08:00 – 10:00
- Meal 12:30 – 15:30
- Dinner 18:30 – 21:30
- Central Student Restaurant in Gaiopoli (At the premises of the former TEI THESSALIA, Larisis-Trikalon ring road, tel: 2410 613611, 684401).
- Breakfast 08:00 – 10:00
- Meal 12:30 – 15:30
- Dinner 18:30 – 21:30
- Auxiliary Student Restaurant(Oikonomou ex Oikonomou 50).
It operates daily and students, who have registered online* (https://hris.uth.gr/feeding/student/) the previous week, for the next, the feeding days and the food they want from the items offered.
- Breakfast 08:00 – 10:00
- Meal 12:30 – 15:30
- Dinner 18:30 – 21:30
Tel: 2410685505
Details of Student Restaurants
Related Documents
Terms, conditions and procedure for providing free meals.
Income limits for submitting a maintenance application.
Information on the online application process for free meals.
Student Affairs - Communication
- Medical Department
New Medical Building, Biopolis, P.K. 41 500 Larissa
Tel: 2410 685594 e-mail: dbetsis@uth.gr
- Independent Boarding & Housing Department (former TEI)
Gaiopolis, Larisis-Trikalon Ring Road, P.O. 41 500, Larissa
Tel: 2410 684393, 684431, 684572, 684407 / e-mail: sitisi-stegasi-lar@uth.gr