
Reproductive Biology-Biomarkers in Obstetrics and Gynecology-Perinatal Medicine

Medical Department
postgraduate PROGRAMME



Medical Department


postgraduate PROGRAMME


Certified Study Program by the National Authority of Higher Education (ETHAAE) –

Hellenic Authority for Higher Education

Director: Professor ALEXANDROS I. DAPONTE MD, Dr Med (LMU Munich), FCOG (SA)

New deadline for applications: 30 September 2024

PMS website:

Certified Study Program by the National Authority of Higher Education (ETHAAE) –

Hellenic Authority for Higher Education


The Department of Medicine of the School of Health Sciences of the University of Thessaly invites interested parties to apply to attend the Master's Program (M.S.) "Biology of Reproduction - Biomarkers in Obstetrics and Gynecology - Perinatal Medicine",

for the academic year 2024-2025.

The P.M.S. "Biology of Reproduction - Biomarkers in Obstetrics and Gynecology - Perinatal Medicine", has as its mission the provision of a high level of specialization, which includes both theoretical training and laboratory experience, as well as practice in conducting research in the fields of Reproductive Biology, Biomarkers in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Perinatal Medicine to graduates of Medical, Biological and other Schools Health with the aim of a successful professional career in the private and public sector. Also, after their thorough education based on the most up-to-date bibliographic data, graduates will be ready for doctoral-level postgraduate studies.

In the Master's Program (M.S.) they are admitted after selection, agraduates of the Departments of Medicine, Health Sciences (Dental, Veterinary, Midwifery, Nursing, graduates of the Faculty of Science (Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Pharmacy) of the national HEIs or affiliated Institutions abroad, graduates of former T.E.I. related cognitive object who desire future professional engagement with issues of Women's Health Care and in particular with the techniques of Assisted Reproduction, but also familiarize themselves with the use and measurement of Biomarkers in Obstetrics and Gynecology, issues of Prenatal Control and Genetic Counseling and Perinatal Medicine.

The duration of studies for the awarding of the Postgraduate Diploma is defined in two (2) semesters starting in October 2024. To obtain it, students must collect sixty (60) Credit Units (ECTS) in total. Each semester corresponds to thirty (30) ECTS. Each student is required to attend and be evaluated in twelve (12) courses, to successfully carry out a practical laboratory exercise and to prepare a thesis.

 It is possible to teach the theoretical courses with the use of modern distance education methods in accordance with the written provisions. 

Techniques that the PMS student will acquire in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic

(After the recommendation of the Director of the P.M.S., the internship can be done in a recognized specialized center at home or abroad, aiming at a high-level specialization or for the preparation of a corresponding diploma thesis)

  1. In the everyday life of a tertiary Obstetrics and Gynecological Surgery
  2. In IVF Laboratory, Assisted Reproduction Unit (mthen on the recommendation of the Director of the P.M.S., the internship can be done in a recognized specialized center in the interior) in real data of the technique of egg retrieval and embryo transfer
  3. In the practical application of how to process sperm for insemination, IVF and micro-fertilization
  4. In the preparation of all culture materials related to egg collection, embryo transfer and preservation of embryos in an oven
  5. In the techniques of freezing eggs, embryos and sperm

Techniques that the PMS student will acquire

in the Laboratory of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology

1. Determination and analysis of biomarkers with immunoenzymatic methods
i) LISA (Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay) in biological samples of whole blood, serum, plasma supernatant of cell cultures.
ii) Immunoblotting in the above biological samples
2. Determination and analysis of biomarkers by molecular methods in cell subpopulations
i) DNA and RNA isolation methods
ii) PCR (Polymerase chain reaction)
iii) RT-PCR (Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction) on isolated tissue DNA from lymphocyte subpopulations
3. Determination of biomarkers by cell subpopulation analysis methods
i) Flow cytometry
ii) ELISpot (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Spot Assay)
4. Isolation of lymphocyte and other subpopulations from biological fluids and cellular tissues
5. Cell cultures (isolated peripheral blood lymphocytes or cell subpopulations isolated from tissue e.g. endometrium are cultured with specific or non-specific stimulators and the intracellular expression of biomarkers e.g. cytokines, angiogenic factors, apoptotic biomarkers, oxidation markers is measured)
i) Cytometry,
ii) Sandwich ELISA
6. Expression study of molecular signaling pathways
i) Phosphocytometry (Signaling pathways of MAPK, JNK, ERK and others)
ii) Blotting

WINTER (1THE) semester SPRING (2THE) semester
a/a Code Math. Lesson ECTS a/a Code Math. Lesson ECTS
1 YP01 Reproductive Physiology - Carcinogenesis - Biomarkers 5 1 YP07 Infertility - Fertility Preservation Methods - Cryopreservation Bank 5
2 YP02 Genetic Basis of Reproduction-Carcinogenesis 4 2 YP08 Diagnostic Methodology of IVF 4
3 YP03 Molecular and Cell Biology-Biomarkers 4 3 YP09 Genetic Syndromes in Gynecologic Oncology and Reproduction-Genetic Counseling 4
4 YP04 Diagnostic Methodology for determining Biomarkers in Obstetrics and Gynecology 4 4 YP10 Prenatal Screening-Diagnosis of Obstetric Pathology-Clinical Applications of Biomarkers 4
5 YP05 Immunology-Biomarkers-Molecular tests in Obstetrics and Gynecology 3 5 YP11 Perinatal Medicine 3
6 YP06 Principles of Biostatistics-Bioinformatics 2 6 YP12 HPV in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2
7 PA01 Practical Laboratory Exercise

A) in vitro fertilization

B) in the determination of biomarkers

C) in the Obstetrics-Gynecological Surgery

8 7 EDE01 Master Thesis 8
Total 30 Total 30

Classes are held every day (Monday - Friday) in the afternoon.

It is possible to teach the theoretical courses with the use of modern distance education methods in accordance with the written provisions.  Course attendance is mandatory.

Tuition fees for the Master's Program amount to 1500 euros per semester, with the exception of students who fall under the provisions of article 86 of Law 4957/2022 in a percentage of up to 30% of the admitted students.

The number of admissions is limited to a maximum of twenty-eight (28) per year.

 OInterested prospective graduate students are invited to submit the following supporting documents to the Graduate Program Secretariat: 

  1. Application for candidacy which is granted by the PMS website ( and the website of the Department of Medicine (
  2. Copy of degree or certificate that the candidate has fulfilled his educational obligations. The academic recognition procedures of Article 304 of Law 4957/2022 apply to holders of foreign degrees.
  3. Detailed score of all undergraduate courses together with the score of the graduate study
  4. Short curriculum vitae with details of the candidate's studies, research and professional experience (with relevant evidence)
  5. Postgraduate certificates or diplomas, if any
  6. Evidence of participation in research activities, if available
  7. Two letters of recommendation from University or TEI Professors or A' researchers of recognized national or foreign research centers
  8. Diploma or certificate of proficiency in the English language mandatory and other foreign languages optional. In special cases, language proficiency will be judged by the Selection Committee
  9. Photocopy of both sides of the police ID
  10. Recent ID photo

SUBMIT APPLICATIONS From  15/07/2024 to 30/09/2024

Sending the Documents: 

  1. Electronics to the address: the
  2. With courier to the address:

Larissa University Hospital, 2o floor, Office 19, 41110 Larissa, Attention Mr. Sophia Karyotou, Mr. Georgia Kokka, Phones: 2413502795/2413502796

For more information, interested parties can refer to the PMS website: or contact the Secretariat at 2413502795/2413502796 (Monday - Friday 10.00-13.00), E-mail:

The Evaluation Committee takes into account the special qualifications of the candidates, as they appear from the supporting documents submitted to the Secretariat of the P.M.S. and the performance of candidates during a personal interview.

The evaluation and selection process is described in detail in the Internal Operating Regulations, which are posted on the website of the P.M.S.

Announcement - Call for 2024-2025 PMS_2nd EXTENSION

Announcement - 2024-2025 PMS Invitation_EXTENSION

Announcement - Call for 2024-2025 PMS

Application for Candidacy in the 2024-2025 PMS


The Director of P.M.S.

Professor Alexander I. Daponte

MD (Thessaloniki), Dr Med (LMU Munich), FCOG (SA)

Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic
University of Thessaly
Director of the "Mother-Child" Sector

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