introduction to Computer Science


introduction to Computer Science


Lesson Code: BE0500

Professor in charge: Theodorou Kyriaki, Professor

Other Teachers: Tsougos Ioannis, Koutsiaris Aristotelis, Georgios Karpetas, Thomas Kylindris

ECTS: 3.00

Type|Type of Course: YP | BACKGROUND

Teaching Semester: 1st Semester

Hours per week: 4 Hours

Total Time (Teaching Hours + Student Workload) 81 Hours

Prerequisites: NO

Language of Instruction: Greek

Available for Erasmus: NO

Semester Lectures: Details/Lectures

Teaching Method: Lectures in the auditorium, training and practice in the laboratory.

Use of personal workstations (PC) per person.

Communication with the students through the e-class educational platform to inform the students, display and make available the slides of the lectures, provide educational material, assign and receive assignments to the students. 

Evaluation Method:

short answer questions,

Public presentation of work,

Solving problems.

Objective Objectives/Desired Results:

The course is the basic introductory course in ICT for the medical sector.

The course material aims to understand the functioning of computers as individual units and as building blocks of the global web with an emphasis on their use in medical science in general. It also refers to the organization and processing of data that respond to everyday practice such as organized data storage, working with diagnostic images and safe navigation to search for information on the Internet. In this sense, the course is the basis on which the student will understand the existing computing technology and its application in simple daily computing problems that he may face.

Finally, the aim of the course is the understanding by the students of the available technological material for data processing and information search and its use in medical practice and research.

Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:

 Understands the operation of the PC as a programmable machine.

  • Understands the potential security risks that the PC may be exposed to in stand-alone and networked operation.
  • He has knowledge of the individual parts (hardware and software) that make up a personal computer and the basic functions provided by the operating system through the graphical user interface and the command line.
  • It is able to distinguish the risk of loss of work and data from non-observance of safe PC operation measures
  • Uses workbook creation and editing programs (MS Excel, LO Calc) to edit and view data.
  • It uses digital image processing programs (ImageJ) for digital image processing (reducing noise, improving image contrast by setting appropriate window/level values, automatically enumerating structures of interest, introducing physical scale, and performing physical scale measurements on images.
  • It uses the integrated development environment of the python language to create simple string manipulation programs that represent genes.

General Skills

Search, analysis and synthesis of data and information, using the necessary technologies

Adaptation to new situations

Decision making

Autonomous work


Work in an interdisciplinary environment

Exercise criticism and self-criticism

Promotion of inductive thinking

Course URL :

Course Description: 1. Evolution of computers (PC). Historical overview.
2. Structure and operation of the PC.
3. Principles of Operating Systems.
Command line / GUI operating system.
Windows 7 Professional – Open Source Operating Systems: Linux.
4. Basic Principles of Programming – Programming Languages.
5. Word processing – MS Word 2019.
6. MS Excel 2019 data processing programs.
7. Basic principles for creating scientific presentations – PowerPoint 2010.
8. Principles of PC Networking Internet – Internet the world wide web.
9. Viruses & Malware.
10. Security in the use of IT systems.
11. Digital data organization processing using a PC.
12. Introduction to digital image processing with ImageJ.
13. Introduction to Python programming.
14. Introduction to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Techniques and their use in Medicine
15. Demonstration of Integrated Health Information System "ASKLIPIOS" at PPGNL.
16. Demonstration of the Laboratory Examination Management Information System at PPGNL.

Recommended reading:

-Suggested Bibliography: 

Bozanis Panagiotis D., "Introduction to Informatics and Computers", A. Giola & Sons Publications SA.

Alan Evans, Kendall Martin, Mary Anne Poatsy "Introduction to Informatics" Theory and Practice, Kritiki Publications 2014.

-Related scientific journals: 

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