
Type|Type of Course:


Teaching Semester1st Semester


Total Time (Teaching Hours + Student Workload)161 Hours





Semester Lectures:Details/Lectures

Teaching Method:

Live in the amphitheater, Lectures


ICT is used in communication with students (via e-class) for easier management of material and consultation and creation of working groups.

  • Written questions for the examination of the Course – Multiple choice questions for the examination of the Laboratory Exercises.
  • Laboratory Exhibitions (Assignments) after the completion of each Laboratory Exercise.

Objective Objectives/Desired Results:

Students are introduced to the scientific field of Medical Physics through a series of lectures and laboratory exercises.

Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to:

  • Has knowledge and understanding:
  1. the physical basis of the main functions of the human body (pressure, energy metabolism, hemodynamics, muscle and skeletal engineering, gas exchange, osmosis, etc.)
  2. of radiation – biological tissue interaction (basic principles of radiation, radioactivity, interaction phenomena, physics of radiology, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine, basic principles of radiology)
  3. of the basic principles of operation of medical devices (defibrillators, physiological parameters meters, X-ray tubes, CT and MRI scans, gamma / SPECT and PET cameras , linear accelerators, etc.)
  • Roughly distinguishes natural principles that are hidden in biological phenomena.
  • Uses laboratory devices for measuring normal parameters of the human body.
  • observes phenomena in the laboratory, records and analyzes data
  • solves problems and draws conclusions from data
  • constructs graphs from data and extracts information from them
  • handles the basic equipment of the Medical Physics laboratory
  • works effectively in a team
  • works safely in a laboratory environment and follows instructions
  • understands laboratory errors and recognizes their sources .

Course URL : 

Course Description:
  • Introduction: Terminology, Standard Design and Measurements

Teaching hours:            2

Course Contents:

  1. Terminology
  2. Modeling
  3. Feedback and homeostasis
  4. Measurements and repeatability
  • Section 1: Energy – Heat – Project and Power

Teaching hours:            4

Course Contents:

  1. Temperature
  2. Material Phase Changes (melting, venting)
  3. Distribution and Transfer of Heat to matter
  4. The human body as a heat engine
  5. Basic Catabolism
  6. Project and Power
  7. Heat Dissemination and Transfer in Biology
  8. Heat loss from the body
  9. Thermography
  10. Other Applications
  • Section 2: Pressure on the Body

Teaching hours:            4

Section Contents:

  1. Measurement of pressure on the body
  2. Pressure inside the skull
  3. Pressure on the eye
  4. Pressure on the digestive system
  5. Pressure (tension) in the frame
  6. Pressure on the bladder
  7. Pressure while diving
  8. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
  • Section 3: Osmosis and the Kidneys

Teaching hours:            4

Section Contents:

  1. How substances are transported in liquids
  2. How substances are transported through membranes
  3. Regulation of the interstitial (intercellular) fluid
  4. The artificial kidney
  • Section 4: Electrical Signals from the Body

Teaching hours:            4

Section Contents:

  1. The nervous system and the neuron
  2. Electrical potentials of neurons
  3. Electrical signals from the muscles – Electromyogram
  4. Electrical signals from the heart – Electrocardiogram
  5. Electrical signals from the brain – Electroencephalogram
  6. Electrical signals from the eyes
  7. Magnetic signals from the heart and brain
  8. Current research on electricity in the human body
  • Section 5: Physics of the Cardiovascular System

Teaching hours:            4

Section Contents:

  1. Main parts of the cardiovascular system
  2. Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the capillary system
  3. The work of the heart
  4. Blood pressure and its measurement
  5. The pressure on the vessel wall ( transmural pressure)
  6. Application of the Bernoulli principle to the cardiovascular system
  7. How fast does the blood flow?
  8. Blood flow – Flat (linear) and turbulent (turbulent) flow
  9. Sounds of the heart
  10. The physics of some cardiovascular diseases
  11. Some other functions of the blood
  • Section 6: Sound and Speech

Teaching hours:            2

Section Contents:

  1. General properties of sounds
  2. The body as a drum (the percussion in medicine)
  3. The stethoscope
  4. The production of speech (voice)
  • Section 7: Physics of the Ear and Hearing

Teaching hours:            2

Section Contents:

  1. The ear and hearing
  2. Hair cells and sound detection
  3. Sensitivity of the ears
  4. Examination of hearing
  • Section 8: Lung and Breathing Physics

Teaching hours:            4

Section Contents:

  1. The airways
  2. How the blood and lungs interact
  3. Measurement of lung volume
  4. Pressure, air flow, changes in lung volume
  5. Physics of cells
  6. The mechanism of respiration
  7. The resistance of the airways
  8. Work during respiration
  9. Physics of some common lung diseases
  • Section 9: Physics of the Eyes and Vision

Teaching hours:            4

Section Contents:

  1. Areas of the eye where the focus is
  2. Other parts of the eye
  3. The retina – the light detector of the eye
  4. The threshold of vision
  5. Diffraction phenomena in the eye
  6. The visual acuity
  7. Optical illusions and related phenomena
  8. Defective vision and its correction
  9. Color vision and color aberration
  10. Organs used in ophthalmology
  • Section 10: Muscles and Strengths

Teaching hours:            4

Section Contents:

  1. Effect of gravity on the body
  2. Friction forces
  3. Strengths, muscles and joints
  4. Forces during the conflict
  5. Physics of the jaw
  • Section 11: Skeleton Physics

Teaching hours:            2

Section Contents:

  1. Skeletal composition and bone strength
  2. Lubrication of joints and bones
  3. Measurement of the body’s bone salts
  • Section 12: Atomic Structure

Teaching hours:            2

Section Contents:

  1. Elements of Engineering – Units
  2. Particle nature of electromagnetic radiation
  3. The spectrum of electromagnetic radiation
  4. Principle of uncertainty
  5. Rutherford atomic model
  6. Spectra of individuals
  7. Bohr individual model
  8. Stimulation and ionization
  9. Parameters of the Bohr model
  10. Atoms with many electrons
  11. Quantum mechanics of the individual
  • Section 13: Nuclear Structure, Radioactivity, Nuclear Reactions

Teaching hours:            2

Section Contents:

  1. Nuclear forces and Nuclear radiation
  2. Quantum numbers of nucleons , spin and magnetic moment of nucleus
  3. Kernel model
  4. Elementary particles and forces
  5. Mechanisms of radioactive decay
  6. Quantitative relationship of radioactivity
  7. Natural radioactive materials
  8. Applications
  • Section 14: Interactions of γ and X of photons, charged particles and neutrons with matter.

Teaching hours:            4

Section Contents:

  1. Interactions of γ and X photons with matter
  2. Interactions of charged particles with matter
  3. Neutron-matter interactions
  • Section 15: Dosimetry Ionizing Radiation

Teaching hours:            4

Section Contents:

  1. Sources and fields of radiation
  2. Energy transfer
  3. Energy Conversion
  4. Deposition and Absorption of Energy
  5. Electronic Balance
  6. Radiation detection
  • Section 16: Dosimetry Methods and Instruments

Teaching hours:            2

Section Contents:

  1. Ionizing radiation detectors with gas
  2. Calorimeters
  3. Chemical Dosimetry
  4. Luminosity dosimetry
  5. Dosimetry with scintillation detectors
  6. Dosimetry luminosity (TLD)
  7. Dosimetry with semiconductors
  8. Dosimetry with film
  9. Dosimetry with gels ( gel dosimetry )
  10. Neutron detectors
  11. Staff dosimeters
  • Section 17: Physical Principles of Nuclear Medicine

Teaching hours:            4

Section Contents:

  1. Nuclear medicine measuring instruments
  2. γ- spectrometry
  3. Radiopharmaceuticals
  4. Biological kinetics of radiopharmaceuticals
  5. Gamma -camera
  6. Tomography γ -Camera and PET Camera
  7. Therapeutic applications of nuclear medicine
  8. in- vitro Nuclear Medicine
  • Section 18: Natural Principles of Radiation Therapy

Teaching hours:            6

Section Contents:

  1. Purpose of radiotherapy
  2. Radiation therapy methods
  3. Sources of Radiotherapy with external beams
  4. Irradiation with external photon beams
  5. Basic radiation parameters with photon beams
  6. Examples of Radiotherapy
  7. Special treatments
  8. Radiation therapy using particles
  • Section 19: Physical Principles of Radiology

Teaching hours:            4

Section Contents:

  1. X-ray
  2. Digital Radiology
  3. Radioscopy
  4. Plain Tomography
  5. Computational CT
  • Section 20: Radiobiology Data

Teaching hours:            4

Section Contents:

  1. Interaction of radiation – biological matter
  2. Radial damage to DNA
  3. Radiation-induced mutations
  4. Radial provocateurs chromosomal alterations
  5. Cell survival curves after irradiation
  6. Patterns of survival curves
  7. Factors affecting the effect of radiation
  8. Human irradiation
  9. Application of Radiobiology in Radiotherapy
  • Section 21: Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Teaching hours:            4

Section Contents:

  1. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and imaging (MRI)
  2. Static Magnetic Fields
  3. Alternating Magnetic Fields
  4. From NMR to MRI
  5. Nuclear magnetic resonance pulses
  6. Relaxation procedures and their measurement
  7. The NMR imaging equation
  • Section 22: Radiation Protection Elements

Teaching hours:            2

Section Contents:

  1. Principles of etiology and optimization of radiation
  2. protection dosage units in Radiation Protection
  3. Radiation from natural sources
  4. Radiation from artificial sources
  5. Radiation protection system
Recommended reading:

– Suggested Bibliography:

  • Kappas K & Theodorou K, Radiation and Radiation Protection, Volumes A ‘and B’, Broken Hill Eds , 2017
  • Georgiou E, Giakoumakis E, Kottou S, Dalles K, Serefoglou A & Skyllakou – Louizi A, Physics of the Human Body, Greek edition, Parisianos publications , Athens, 2003
  • Georgiou & co. 2014, Georgiou E & co, Diagnostic & Therapeutic applications of radiation, Ed . Broken Hill Pub , 2014
  • Georgoulias P, Elements of Nuclear Medicine, University of Thessaly Publications, 2010
  • Psarrakos K, Molyvda – Athanasopoulou E, Gotzamani – Psarrakou A & Siountas A, Medical Physics, Elements of Radiophysics and Applications in Medicine. Radiobiology, Radiation Protection, Psarrakos K, University Studio Press , Thessaloniki

-Related scientific journals:

  • Physics in Medicine and Biology
  • Medical Physics
  • Physica Medica
  • Radiotherapy and Oncology

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