Face-to-face with presentations from an amphitheater and withclinical exercises on models and patients except in special cases(pandemic etc.) Use of electronic media using Microsoft software(PowerPoint) through which the courses are delivered, e- class ,Analysis of clinical cases indigital format using specialized software.
Power point presentations
E-book access
Pubmed access
Posting online information and announcements about the course and other educational activities
Students and teachers communications by e-mail
Multiple choice test with 60 short answer questions and one development question to assess the structure of thinking and
Writing Assessment of student participation in clinical practice.
Objective Objectives/Desired Results:
The course constitutes a tool for introducing students to the basic principles of the pathophysiology ofdiseases of the urogenital system. It also introduces students, through clinical practice, to the basicprinciples of urogenital surgery (open and endoscopic). Finally, it contributes to the acquisition of deductive reason ingwhic his considered essential for the proper initiation of students intot he medical profession.
Upon successful completion of thecourse, the student will be able to:
Has an understanding of the basic principles of the pathophysiology of the genitourinary system.
Analyzes clinical data to make a diagnosis
Has knowledge of the main diagnostic tests and the rapeutic applications (interventional and non-interventional).
Able to distinguish the main diseases of the urogenital system
Uses acquired knowledge inany subspecial ty related to the subject.
Work with fellow students to approach the importance of collaboration and scientific debate by actively participating in discussion groups.
Students must acquire communication skills in order to effectively discuss sensitive issues with patients. They must also have the basis of problem-solving skills for complex conditions. In addition, must be able to work effectively with other medical professionals, such as primary care physicians, surgeons, and radiologists.
Course URL :
Course Description:
Anatomy and physiology of the urogenital tract, symptomatology, clinical examination, laboratorytesting of urological patients, imaging tests, radioisotopic studies, endoscopic examination andendoscopic manipulations, obstructive uropathy (congenital and acquired), congenital anomalies of the urogenital tract, specific and non-specific inflammations of the urinary tract, traumatic injuries ofthe genitourinary tract, diseases of the retroperitoneal space and effects on the urinary tract,neurological disorder sofurination,urinary in continence,sexual function disorders, maleinfertility,urinarytractstones,benignprostatichyperplasia,tumors of the kidney, prostate, uroepithelium, penis, testis.