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Total Time (Teaching Hours + Student Workload)55 HOURS







Face to Face:
Teaching of Organogenesis – Developmental Disorders and Clinical application consists of lectures, seminars/tutorials and laboratory practical.
The lectures content is described above.
Seminars/Tutorials (in 5 student groups with 1 instructor per group) review and extend the lectures content. In each tutorial, students familiarize themselves with the basic elements per unit and prepare for the laboratory exercises.
Laboratory exercises (in 5 student groups of students, 1 instructors per group of 25-28 students) composing the students’ practical are complementary to the lectures and they aim to familiarize the student with the application of techniques, the operation of simple laboratory instruments and the experimental procedures that are often used in Organogenesis – Developmental Disorders and Clinical application as well as to help the students comprehend concepts that are not easily presented theoretically (learning based on practical experience).

Attendance of Laboratory Practical and Seminars/Tutorials is obligatory.

Information and Communication Technologies are used for the preparation of the lecture material, the online information and provision of supplementary learning material to students.
• Common software (e.g. MS powerpoint) is used to prepare lecture material and display slides and videos.
• The study guide (detailed supplementary material & additional bibliography), the tutorial material (clinical cases), the theory and protocols of the laboratory exercises, the slides of each lecture as well as relevant videos and scientific articles made available electronically and online to students through the e-class system
of our university.
• Information about the course, instructors and their research interests and in general the department of Histology and  Embryology of the Faculty of Medicine are available online on the Faculty of Medicine website
• Common software (e.g. MS excel) is used to statistically process student assessment.
Announcements, information etc are available online via e-class.
Communication is also done via e-mail (embryology5

STUDENT EVALUATIONThe language of assessment is English.
Evaluation methods.
A. For the laboratory practical: Written test in the middle of the semester with 7 questions and problem solving.
The participation of students in the laboratory exercises is mandatory. Successful participation in the practical is certified by the instructors’ signatures on the written reports.-exams.
B. For the Tutorials:
In each tutorial, students go deeper to the theoretical background  of the laboratory exercises that will follow. The performance of the students during in the tutorials is taken into account in the final evaluation. The material of the tutorials is examined together with the laboratory examination.
C. For the lecture material: Written Exams with multiple-choice questions. The course exams are written, last 2 hours and consist of multiple-choice questions. The material to be examined is lectures and tutorial material as described above.
Final Grade:
The final grade of the course is calculated as the sum of the grade of the written course exams and the grade of the Laboratory written exams.
All of the above are presented in detail in the Course Guide which is posted electronically in e-class.

Objective Objectives/Desired Results:

Aims of the course
The mission of the Embryology Laboratory is to introduce medical students to the Basic Principles of these subjects, their first contact with embryological preparations for the best possible understanding of the tissues of the human fetus and the offer of high-level university education aimed at further promotion of scientific knowledge and the Medical art and in the promotion of research and the acquisition of knowledge through the study, critical evaluation and research of the programs’ relevant areas of knowledge.
The course is a key tool in the undergraduate curriculum for students to understand the basic principles of the beginning of life that is the subject of Embryology.
The course material aims to fully understand all the principles of Embryology, Organogenesis and congenital disorders, and to introduce students to the basic clinical concepts of the development of the structures of the human body.
Also, it refers to the concept of acquiring students’ inductive thinking which is deemed necessary for the proper initiation of students to the function of the Doctor.
In this sense, the course is the basis on which the student will be able to understand and come into contact with other courses of the study program (anatomy, histology, basic anatomical and
embryological principles of all preclinical and clinical special courses).
Finally, the aim of the course is to understand the importance of Organogenesis and the complaints of constitution in the context of understanding clinical specialties such as Obstetrics and Gynecology, Embryo-Uterine Medicine and Neonatology and in the context of obtaining a title in the above specialties.
After the successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
• Understand the important concepts and principles of Embryology, Organogenesis, and Embryo-Uterine Medicine as well as knows the main congenital anomalies.
• Acquire knowledge of the Organogenesis course and related anomalies.
• Is able to distinguish embryos and their structures, and their development during fetal life.
• Uses the terms correctly and combine the basic knowledge with the basic principles of related subjects such as Anatomy and Histology, Obstetrics, Gynecology as well as Neonatology.
• Analyzes and correctly presents the induction (principle of creation of the tissues of the human body) and their maturation into the final structures-tissues of the human body, knows
the pathophysiology and explains embryologically the congenital disorders of constitution.
• Cooperate with their colleagues in the context of a lab environment to write papers and conduct basic research for presentation at student conferences.

General Abilities

• Research, analysis and synthesis of data and information, using the necessary technologies
• Adaptation to new situations
• Decision making
• Autonomous work
• Teamwork
• Exercise criticism and self-criticism
• Promoting free, creative and inductive thinking

Course URL : MED_U_196/

Course Description:The content of the course includes the following major items:
A. The content of the lectures together with the relevant clinical insights that students need to learn/acquire per chapter.
B. The content of the tutorials/seminars together with the relevant clinical insights that students need to learn/acquire per seminar.
C. The content of the laboratory practical together with the relevant practical & clinical skills that students need to learn/acquire per exercise.
A. Lecture content:
The embryological development of the cranial bones – Congenital malformations
The development of cervical – facial structures. Congenital malformations
Embryology of the sensory organs
Embryology of the respiratory system
The fetal development of the heart. 1st Part
The fetal development of the heart. Part 2 – Cardiac malformations
The fetal, circulatory system. Birth changes.
The embryological development of the gastrointestinal system. 1st Part
The embryological development of the gastrointestinal system. Part 2 – Exophalos and gastroschisis.
Embryology of the urinary system – Congenital malformations
The embryology of the male genital system and its abnormalities
The female fetal embryology, its abnormalities and embryological development of the limbs
Laboratory Practical content the exercises:
A. Student practice on embryo preparations at the Embryology museum
B. Clinical Embryology – Observation of examination of embryos in ultrasound
C. Demonstration of congenital anomalies in ultrasound examination of fetuses
Hands-on learning: Acquisition of general and specific practical & clinical skills:
General Skills
Observing phenomena, obtaining and analyzing experimental data
Interpretation of experimental data
Resolving practical problems
Producing graphical displays of data
Operating basic equipment, especially use of optical microscope
Working as a team
Following instructions
Following safety regulations
Trouble-shooting in laboratory results
Clinical significance of lab results
Specific Skills
– Handling of optical microscope
– Familiarization with the use of lenses – magnifications
Future goals
Teaching the course and training the students based on the following structure:
1 Descriptive Embryology
2. Clinical Embryology
3. Molecular Embryology
4. Training students in the basics of the first weeks of development in the IVF Laboratory
5. Training of students in the identification of normal and pathological embryos, membranes and
placentas at the Museum of Embryology in the Katsigra Building
6. Training of students in the identification of normal and pathological embryos, membranes and placentas with modern imaging methods
Recommended reading:

Α. Lecture Material
Main suggested textbooks:
1. Basic principles of Embryology, organogenesis and anatomy,Edition: 1st/2023, Sotiriou Sotirios, Type: Edition, Owner (Publisher): KOSTAKIS DIM. ATHANASIOS

2. Human Embryology – From fertilization to Birth-Clinical Orientation, Moore Keith, 1η/2019, BROKEN HILL PUBLISHERS LTD

Further reading:

Β. Laboratory Practical supplementary Material
Relevant Scientific Journals:


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