Lesson Code: MP0302

Professor in charge: Sotiriou Sotiris, Associate Professor

Other Teachers:

ECTS: 3.00

Type|Type of Course: YP | SCIENTIFIC AREA

Teaching Semester: 3rd Semester

Hours per week: 4 Hours

Total Time (Teaching Hours + Student Workload) 83 Hours

Prerequisites: NO

Language of Instruction: GREEK/ENGLISH

Available for Erasmus: YES

Semester Lectures: Details/Lectures

Teaching Method: Face to face:
Teaching Organogenesis – Developmental Disorders and Clinical Application consists of lectures, seminars/tutorials and laboratory practice. The content of the lectures is described above.
Σεμινάρια/Φροντιστήρια (σε 5 ομάδες σπουδαστών με 1 εκπαιδευτή ανά ομάδα) ανασκοπούν και επεκτείνουν το περιεχόμενο των διαλέξεων. Σε κάθε φροντιστήριο, οι μαθητές εξοικειώνονται με τα βασικά στοιχεία ανά ενότητα και προετοιμάζονται για τις εργαστηριακές ασκήσεις.Εργαστηριακές ασκήσεις (σε 5 ομάδες φοιτητών, 1 εκπαιδευτής ανά ομάδα 25-28 φοιτητών) που συνθέτουν το πρακτικό των φοιτητών είναι συμπληρωματικές των διαλέξεων και στοχεύουν στην εξοικείωση του φοιτητή με την εφαρμογή τεχνικών, τη λειτουργία απλών εργαστηριακών οργάνων και τις πειραματικές διαδικασίες που χρησιμοποιούνται συχνά στην Οργανογένεση – Αναπτυξιακές Διαταραχές και την Κλινική εφαρμογή καθώς και για να βοηθήσουν τους μαθητές να κατανοήσουν έννοιες που δεν παρουσιάζονται εύκολα θεωρητικά (μάθηση με βάση την πρακτική εμπειρία).Η παρακολούθηση Εργαστηριακών Πρακτικών και Σεμιναρίων/Φροντιστηρίων είναι υποχρεωτική.Χρησιμοποιούνται Τεχνολογίες Πληροφορικής και Επικοινωνιών για την προετοιμασία του υλικού της διάλεξης, την ηλεκτρονική ενημέρωση και την παροχή συμπληρωματικού εκπαιδευτικού υλικού στους φοιτητές.
• Common software (eg MS powerpoint) is used to prepare lecture material and display slides and videos.
• The course guide (detailed supplementary material & additional bibliography), the educational material (clinical cases), the theory and the protocols of the laboratory exercises, the slides of each lecture as well as related videos and scientific articles available electronically and online to the students through e-class system of our university.
• Information about the course, the lecturers and their research interests and in general the Department of Histology and Embryology of the School of Medicine is available online on the website of the Department of Medicine
Announcements, information, etc. are available online through e-class. Communication is via e-mail (

Evaluation Method: The assessment language of the students is Greek.
Μέθοδοι αξιολόγησης.Α. Στις εργαστηριακές ασκήσεις: Γραπτό τεστ στα μέσα του εξαμήνου με 7 ερωτήσεις και επίλυση προβλημάτων.
Student participation in laboratory exercises is mandatory. Successful participation in the minutes is certified by the instructors' signatures on the written reports.-exams.

B. For the seminars:
In each tutorial, students delve into the theoretical background of the laboratory exercises that will follow. Student performance during tutorials is taken into account in the final assessment. The material of the tutorials is examined together with the laboratory examination.

C. For the lecture material: Written Exams with multiple choice questions. The course exams are written, last 2 hours and consist of multiple choice questions. The material to be examined is lectures and training material as described above.

Final grade:
The final grade of the course is calculated as the sum of the grade of the written exams of the course and the grade of the Laboratory written exams.

Objective Objectives/Desired Results: The mission of the Embryology Laboratory is to introduce medical students to the Basic Principles of these subjects, their first contact with embryological preparations for the best possible understanding of the tissues of the human fetus and to offer a high-level university education aimed at further promotion of scientific knowledge and the Medical art and in the promotion of research and the acquisition of knowledge through the study, critical evaluation and research of relevant areas of knowledge.

The course is an essential tool of the undergraduate curriculum for students to understand the basic principles of the beginning of life which is the subject of Embryology.
The course material aims to fully understand all the principles of Embryology, Organogenesis and congenital disorders, and to introduce students to the basic clinical concepts of the development of the structures of the human body.
Also, it refers to the concept of acquiring students' inductive thinking which is deemed necessary for the proper initiation of students to the function of the Doctor.
In this sense, the course is the basis on which the student will be able to understand and come into contact with other courses of the study program (anatomy, histology, basic anatomical and embryological principles of all preclinical and clinical special courses).
Finally, the aim of the course is for the students to understand the importance of Organogenesis and the complaints of constitution in the context of understanding clinical specialties such as Obstetrics and Gynecology, Embryo-Uterine Medicine and Neonatology and in the context of obtaining a degree in the above specialties.
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will:
• Has understanding and knowledge of the basic principles of Embryology, Organogenesis, and Embryo-Uterine Medicine as well as knows the main congenital anomalies.
• Has knowledge of the material of the Organogenesis course and related anomalies.
• Is able to distinguish embryos and their structures, and their development during fetal life.
• To use the terms correctly and to combine the basic knowledge with the basic principles of related subjects such as Anatomy and Histology, Obstetrics, Gynecology as well as Neonatology.
• To organize, analyze and correctly present the induction (principle of creation of the tissues of the human body) and their maturation into the final structures-tissues of the human body knows the pathophysiology and explains embryologically the congenital disorders of constitution.
• Can collaborate with fellow students to write papers and conduct basic research for presentation at student conferences.

General Skills

The Embryology Laboratory organizes courses, workshops, post-training meetings and actively participates in research and inter-university conferences which aim and have as main priorities:
 The promotion of knowledge and medical ethics, with rules of ethics, which will serve the modern needs of the student-future doctor as well as the needs of society.
 The promotion of knowledge and research, within a free academic environment, aiming at the highest quality educational level.
 The conduct of high-level research, which will be published in modern Medical Journals with a recognized research project and will be recognized internationally.
 The education of male and female students so that they understand the modern form of Medical thought, the way of approaching the patient and the physiology and pathophysiology of various diseases, the way of conducting research, the theories and methodological approaches related to modern Embryology and the methods of studying the embryo in its various stages of development.
 The expansion of collaborations at the educational and research level with other educational and research departments-institutions of the country and abroad, with the aim of updating the way of teaching and Medical research.
 Ensuring guarantees that teaching staff have the ability to teach and conduct research.
Finally, we aim at the proper preparation of male and female students, capable of further proper continuation of their studies within our university as well as their successful careers in the difficult arena of their working life

Course URL : MED_U_196/

Course Description: – Embryological development of the bones of the head – Protests
– The development of the neck and face structures. Related Complaints
– Embryology of sensory organs
– Embryology of the respiratory system
– Embryological development of the heart. 1st Part
– Embryological development of the heart. Part 2 – Related Complaints
– The fetal circulatory system. Changes at birth
– Embryological development of the gastrointestinal system. 1st Part
– Embryological development of the gastrointestinal system. Part 2 – Related Complaints
– Embryology of the urinary system – Congenital complaints
– The embryology of the male reproductive system and its anomalies
– The embryology of the female genital system, its anomalies and the embryological development of the limbs
– The embryology of the brain and nervous system. 1st Part
– The embryology of the brain and nervous system. Part 2 Cognate Complaints
Laboratory exercises:
A. Students practice microscopic image of gametes – early stages of embryo – endometrium. Observation of embryo preparations. Clinical Embryology and observation of early pregnancy on ultrasound.
(Professor S. Sotiriou)
B. Student practice on microscopic image of chorionic villi - placenta.
Observation of placenta-fetal preparations. Clinical Embryology and observation of examination of fetuses in ultrasound.
(Professor S. Sotiriou)
C. Demonstration of congenital anomalies in ultrasound examination of fetuses. Fetus necropsy examination (Professor S. Sotiriou)

Recommended reading: A. COURSE THEORY
Recommended books:
• Basic principles of Embryology, organogenesis and anatomy
Edition: 1st/2023, Sotiriou Sotirios, Type: Edition, Owner (Publisher): KOSTAKIS DIM. ATHANASIOS
• Human Embryology-From Conception to Birth-Clinical Approach. Type: Book, Author: Moore Keith, Edition: 1/2019, BROKEN HILL PUBLISHERS LTDOther books:
Related scientific journals:

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