- Theory
Introduction to Public Health and Preventive Medicine Epidemiology and prevention of infectious diseases Screening programmes Introduction to environmental health Prevention of nosocomial infections and hospital hygiene The role of sea and air transport – International Health Regulations Prevention of waterborne diseases – Drinking and recreational water safety Climate Change and Public Health Basic nutrition principles: Mediterranean diet Zoonosis/Animal disease and Foodborne Diseases prevention Waste Management and Public Health Vaccination policies Transmission and preventive measures of infectious diseases Epidemiology and prevention of chronic diseases – coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus Epidemiology and accident prevention Smoking, alcoholism, drugs Health economics Epidemiology and prevention of cancer - Exercises
Screening Exercise: “Climate Change and Public Health” Exercise: “Study of Air Pollution Episodes (London 1952)” and “Case Study of Dietary Exposure to Mercury During Pregnancy” Nosocomial infection prevention exercise Exercise to deal with a public health emergency of international concern Selection and application of personal protective equipment and infection control practices in the hospital environment - Laboratories:
Α. Microbiological Laboratory: Detection of Hepatitis A virus in food with real-time PCR. Identification of microorganisms with Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time of Flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS). Demonstration of good hand washing practice and comparison of pre- and post-washing hand comparison of flora using culture techniques. Determination of safety indicators in food based on regulation 2073/2005 of the European Commission on microbiological criteria in food. Detection and enumeration of Legionella spp. in water samples for human consumption based on the international standard (ISO) 11731:2017. Determination of microbiological indicators in samples of water for human consumption in accordance with Joint Ministerial Decision “KYA Γ1(d)/ΓΠ οικ.67322”. Β. Chemical Laboratory: Water quality in an Artificial Kidney Unit, Chemical quality control of surface water and wastewater, Quantitative determination of antibiotics in blood plasma by HPLC. |