Lesson Code: PTH0600



ECTS: 3.00

Type|Type of Course: YP | SCIENTIFIC AREA

Teaching Semester: 9th Semester

Hours per week: 3 Hours

Total Time (Teaching Hours + Student Workload) 81 Hours

Prerequisites: NO

Language of Instruction: Greek and/or English

Available for Erasmus: YES

Semester Lectures: Details/Lectures

Teaching Method: Amphitheater presentations, presentations of clinical cases, clinical exercise


Evaluation Method: Written exam 20 short answer questions

Evaluation of student participation in clinical practice

Objective Objectives/Desired Results: The course material aims to introduce students to the scientific field of Dermatology-Venoresiology.

In this sense, the course is the basis on which the student will acquire fundamental knowledge in Dermatology-Venoresiology.

Finally, the aim of the course is for students to understand the importance and clinical contribution of Dermatology-Venoresiology as an independent Medical Specialty.

Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:

  • He has an understanding of the basic principles of Dermatology-Venoresiology.
  • He has knowledge of the main diagnostic and therapeutic applications of Dermatology-Venoresiology.
  • He is able to distinguish the main differences between the normal and pathological clinical picture, to describe the cause, pathogenesis, progression and treatment of the most important skin and venereological diseases.
  • It uses the main diagnostic and therapeutic applications in clinical practice.
  • It analyzes the data in combination with the patient's history, clinical picture and other clinical laboratory control data.
  • Can collaborate with fellow students to research and analyze international literature.

Course URL :

Course Description: 1. Elementary skin lesions (1 hour)
2. Skin diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, leishmaniasis, N. Hansen, tuberculosis, AIDS skin manifestations (8 hours)
3. Sexually transmitted diseases (3 hours)
4. Skin diseases due to allergic mechanisms (3 hours)
5. Hereditary skin diseases (2 hours)
6. Erythymatolepidoid -Papular dermatoses (4 hours)
7. Photodermatopathies (2 hours)
8. Dyschromia (1 hour)
9. Rashes (3 hours)
10. Hair diseases (1 hour)
11. Papular-nodular skin diseases (5 hours)
12. Skin tumors, mycosis fungoides (5 hours)
13. Connective tissue diseases (4 hours)

It is noted that the lectures take place in the 9th semester and are repeated in the 10th semester due to the education of the students in 2 semesters.

B Clinical exercise (by groups) - Extends to the 9th and 10th semesters.
14 compulsory hours: 7 hours of skill development and examination of outpatients and inpatients in groups of 15 students and 7 hours of on-call, in small groups.

During the 14 hours of clinical practice in groups (skills) with a designated instructor, the following is taught:
• Technological equipment is demonstrated and its use is briefly explained.
• Identification and description of elementary skin lesions
• Description of a rash: elementary lesions, their extent, accompanying symptoms and diseases.
• Training in correct and complete medical history taking in dermatological patients: patient history, patient details, present disease, onset duration of rash, previous skin diseases and previous medication, individual, family and social history.
• Clinical examination of a dermatological patient: Overview, palpation and dermatoscopy of skin lesions, special dermatological examinations, systematic objective examination of the patient.
• Training in performing and evaluating: skin biopsy, skin tests to rule out and diagnose allergic diseases, photobiological tests (phototest), special hair tests (trichorizogram) and mole control.
• Training in how to manage a dermatological emergency.

Recommended reading:
  1. Antoniou X, Katsambas A: Dermatology-Venoresiology, Broken Hill Publishers LTD
  2. Chrysomallis F. and colleagues: Dermatology-Aphrodisiology, Parisianos Publications, 2005.
  3. Habift T, Dinulos JGH, Chapaman MS, , Zug KA : Skin Diseases, Diagnosis and Treatment, Parisian Scientific Publications, Fourth Edition, 2020.
  4. Rigopoulos D., Stratigos A., Grigoriou S., Katoulis A., Rallis E: Dermatology – Venereology Manual, NEON Publications 2020.
  5. Kouskoukis Konstantinos E., Roussaki Soultse Angeliki-Victoria, Zafiriou Efterpi: Epitome Dermatology Venereology, NEON Publications 2021

-Related scientific journals:Hellenic Review of Dermatology and Venereology, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.

-Suggested Bibliography: Students are provided with teaching notes.


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