MECHANICAL VENTILATION MECHANICAL VENTILATIONCOURSE CODEΠΘ0401COURSE INSTRUCTORDIMOSTHENIS MAKRIS, PROFESSOR CO-INSTRUCTORSEPAMEINONDAS ZAKYNTHINOS, IOANNIS PANTAZOPOULOS, BASILIKI TSOLAKI,KONSTANTINOS MANZARLISECTS:2.00COURSE TYPEEL | SCIENTIFIC AREATEACHING SEMESTERWINTER SEMESTERWEEKLY TEACHING HOURS:2 HOURSTotal Time (Teaching Hours + Student Workload)54 HOURSPREREQUIRED COURSES:NOLANGUAGE OF TEACHING AND EXAMSGreek -English(English language is not mandatory)AVAILABLE TO ERASMUS STUDENTSNOSEMESTER LECTURES:DETAILS/LECTURESTEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS :LecturesMultimedia presentationsHands-onInformatics, technological applications for education-trainingSoftware for presentations of scientific materialsPositive pressure ventilatorMultimedia software and hardware for presentationsWeblinks for access to electronic materialsAccess to scientific material data bank – ICU PGN Larissa methuth@uth.grSTUDENT EVALUATIONMCQs – n=10/30 min testingDescription of evaluation at the initiation of the courseObjective Objectives/Desired Results:Respiratory Failure and Principles of Mechanical VentilationMechanical ventilation graphics and their application in clinical practiceBasic Models of Mechanical VentilationAlternative models of Mechanical VentilationNon-invasive mechanical ventilationOperating a mechanical ventilatorUsual troubleshooting and solutions in Mechanical VentilationWeaning from Mechanical VentilationFollowing the course, the student will be able :to analyze and make synthesis of relevant data and informationto use this knowledge when working in the international environmentto work in an interdisciplinary settingCourse URL : Course Description:Respiratory FailureBasic principles of MV- How a MVentilator worksVariables and graphicsInspiratory Pressure – Evaluation and managementPEEP – Evaluation and managementBasic Models of Mechanical VentilationCardiovascular parametersAlternative Models of Mechanical VentilationNon-invasive mechanical ventilation – MV in the A&E and in rural practiceMV settings in ARDS-pneumonia-viral diseases (grip, COVID)MV during CPR – AnaesthesiaWeaning from MVOperating a ventilatorInhaled treatment during MVUsual troubleshooting Recommended reading: Marino’s ICU bookMechanical Ventilation: State of the Art Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 2017Ventilator Management. StatPearls Publishing 2020Recent advances in mechanical ventilation in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome. European Respiratory Review 2015ΠεριοδικάAmerican Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care MedicineIntensive Care MedicineCritical Care MedicineAnnals Intensive Care MedicineEuropean Respiratory JournalChestAnnals Intensive Care MedicineNew England Medical JournalLancetSiteshttps://www.atsjournals.org