1st week Title: Introduction to the course Goals: Introduce myself with the aid of a small questionnaire Learn the parts of the body Express feelings and the sense of pain Learn medical French terminology related to heart diseases (specialization of Cardiology) 2nd week Title: Some common diseases Goals: Learn the related medical terminology Explain a health problem Ask news about someone’s health Learn medical French terminology related to gastrointestinal diseases (specialization of Gastroenterology) 3rd week Τitle: General terminology about the diseases : Verbs and expressions Goals: Prevent the disease (ways of prevention) Tell that I am ill Describe the symptoms of the disease Learn medical French terminology related to endocrine diseases (specialization of Endocrinology) 4th week Title: General terminology over the disease (continue) Goals: Learn verbs and expressions about A doctor’s actions The recovery/cure of a disease Learn medical French terminology related to orthopedic diseases (specialization of Orthopedics) 5th week Title: Viruses – The flu Goals: Speak about the seasonal flu Speak about the COVID-19 virus through pictures and charts Learn medical French terminology related to the diseases of respiratory system (specialization of Pulmonary Medicine) 6th week Title: Patients and doctors/ Visit to a doctor Goals: Make an appointment by telephone Go to the doctor’s office Learn medical French terminology related to ophthalmic diseases (specialization of Ophthalmology) Learn medical French terminology related to the diseases of oral cavity (specialization of Stomatology) 7th week Title: Medical diagnosis and prescription Goals: Understand doctor’s diagnosis and pose questions Understand doctor’s prescription instructions Learn medical French terminology related to the diseases of ear, nasal and laryngeal diseases (specialization of Otorhinolaryngology) 8th week Title: Medication (The drugs) Goals: Learn terminology related to: Types of drugs The role of drugs Drug categories Learn medical French terminology related to oncological diseases (specialization of Oncology) 9th week Title: Medication (prescription) Goals: Read and understand a prescription Read and understand the main parts of drug instructions Learn medical French terminology related to neurological diseases (specialization of Neurology) 10th week Title: The vaccines Goals: Children and vaccines: Vaccine scheduling Adults and vaccines Learn medical French terminology related to rheumatic diseases (specialization of Rheumatology) 11th week Title: Medical examinations Goals: Biological analysis Read a blood analysis Learn medical French terminology related to blood diseases (specialization of Hematology) Learn medical French terminology related to urinary diseases (specialization of Urology) 12th week Title: Medical examinations Goals: Be informed about the obligatory checks on children’s Health in France Be informed about children’s Health Certificate Fill in the 1st Health Certificate of a child Learn medical French terminology related to gynecological diseases (specialization of Gynecology) Learn medical French terminology about the diseases related to Obstetrics (specialization of Obstetrics) 13th week Title: Emergency Goals: Go to the Emergency room Find out the Emergency service in a French hospital / Identify the acronyms Learn medical French terminology related to the diseases of reproductive system and the diseases of urinary system (specialization of Andrology) 14th week Title: Doctors and hospitals Goals: Find out the Healthcare professions Enrich and consolidate the specific terminology Revision. Preparation for exams |