Use of e- mails and apps for the message exchange as a means of communication among students
The assessment process of the course is in French language and students make a joint decision about the process during the first lessons.
It contains:
a written release project after communication with the course supervisor and under her supervision. The student and the supervisor agree on the topic.
Objective Objectives/Desired Results:
The goals of the course are:
Familiarization with the vocabulary about the names of medical specializations or doctors and their common abbreviations
The improvement of the communicational language skills in French language of students.
Acquaintance with the structure and content of medical scientific articles (title, abstract, research methodology, chart description, discussion on the results, bibliography)
Information about the medical studies in France
Familiarization with the résumé (CV) models and cover letters
The composition of a student’s personal CV and cover letter
With the successful completion of the course, students are able to:
Understand and use the syntactic and grammatical structure of French language.
Understand and use the basic medical terminology depending on each setting.
Comprehend scientific articles of medical content.
Produce speech (Oral and written) with the use of medical terminology.
Describe the services provided by the French – speaking Universities and compare them with their Greek corresponding.
Compose a CV and a motivation letter (letter de motivation).
General Abilities
The development of general skills and abilities for specific/academic use of language depending on each scientific field.
Search, analysis and composition of data or information with the use of proper technology.
Development of the skill of communication in French language on medical environments.
Adaptation to new circumstances (e.g. Receive a patient in the doctor’s office or emergency rooms).
Development of the skill for independent work.
Development of the skill for team work.
Cultivation of the respect to diversity and multiculturalism.
Course URL :
Course Description:
The subject area of this course contains the modules below:
The vocabulary related to the names of medical specializations or doctors and their common abbreviations
The structure and content of a medical scientific article (title, abstract, research methodology, chart description, discussion on the results, bibliography)
The basic medical French terminology and the basic language requirements for a medical scientific article.
The medical studies in France:
The services provided by the French universities
Different CV models and cover letters
Composition of a CV
Composition of a motivation letter accompanying a candidate folder in case of search (e.g. a job or training in a hospital in France)
The development of communicational language skills of students in French language (vocabulary and language structures related to the above topics)
Recommended reading:
Bouillard Marie Laure, Manetti Maria Pia, 2009, PREPADELF B1GRAMMAIRE, Εκδ. ΒΕΡΟΝΙΚ ΝΤΟΝΖΕΛ ΑΕ
Fassier Thomas, Solange Talavera-Guy,2008, Le français des médecins, Presse Universitaire de Grenoble
Γαλλοελληνικο λεξικό, 2016, Εκδ. Πατακης Larousse
Delatour, Y., Jennepin, D., Leon-Dufour, M., Teyssier, B., 2015, Σύγχρονη γραμματική της γαλλικής γλώσσας, Εκδ. Πατάκης.
Manuila, L.-Lewalle, P. –Nicoulin, M., 2007, Ιατρικό Λεξικό –Γαλλοελληνικό Ερμηνευτικό Λεξικό Ιατρικών Όρων, Παρισιάνου