ANNOUNCEMENT OF ELECTION PROCEDURE for the nomination of representatives of the members of the Teaching Research Staff (DEP) of the Department of Pathology to the Assembly of the Department of Medicine, SEY, University of Thessaly with an annual term from 01.09.2024 to 31.08.2025
April 12, 2024 2024-05-01 11:02ANNOUNCEMENT OF ELECTION PROCEDURE for the nomination of representatives of the members of the Teaching Research Staff (DEP) of the Department of Pathology to the Assembly of the Department of Medicine, SEY, University of Thessaly with an annual term from 01.09.2024 to 31.08.2025

ANNOUNCEMENT OF ELECTION PROCEDURE for the nomination of representatives of the members of the Teaching Research Staff (DEP) of the Department of Pathology to the Assembly of the Department of Medicine, SEY, University of Thessaly with an annual term from 01.09.2024 to 31.08.2025
Larissa 12.04.2024
No. Prot.: 2008
Department of Pathology
Department of Medicine
University of Thessaly
Professor Mr. Georgios Vassilopoulos
for the nomination of members' representatives
Teaching Research Staff (Faculty) of the Department of Pathology in its Assembly
Department of Medicine, SEY, University of Thessaly with an annual term from 01.09.2024 to 31.08.2025
The President of the Department of Medicine, bearing in mind:
- The provisions of article 29 of Law 4957/2022 (Official Gazette 141/21.07.2022), "1. The Department Assembly consists of: a) the President of the Department, b) the Vice-President of the Department, c) the Directors of the Departments, if there are Departments in the Department, d) twenty percent (20%) of the members of the D.E.P. who serve in each Sector, if the total number of D.E.P. members who serve in the Department are from one hundred (100) to two hundred (200)..",
- The provisions of article 6 of CHAPTER B, of 123024/Z1/06.10.2022 Official Decree of the Ministers of Education and Religion and State "PROCEDURE FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE TEACHING RESEARCH STAFF (D.E.P.), SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL STAFF (E.E.P.), LABORATORY TEACHING STAFF (E.D.P.) AND SPECIAL TECHNICAL LABORATORY STAFF (E.P.) T .E.P.) AND STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES" (Official Gazette 5220/t. B΄/07.10.2022),
- On 119929/Z1/30.09.2022 circular of the Ministry Education "D. Establishment and operation of the collective bodies of the academic units of A.E.I. – Designation and operation of one-person bodies of academic units"
- The provisions of article 192 of Law 4823/2021, "Upgrading the school, empowering teachers and other provisions" (A΄ 136).
- No. 5204/11-11-2021 Ministerial Decision, "Operation of the ZEUS digital ballot box" (Β΄ 5244).
- Official Gazette 785/YODD/31-12-2022 regarding the election of the President and Deputy President of the Department of Medicine of the School of Health Sciences of the University of Thessaly for a term of two (2) years from 1-9-2022 to 31-8-2024.
- The provisions of articles 76, 77, 79 and 80 of Law 4727/2020 "Digital Governance (Incorporation into Greek Legislation of Directive (EU) 2016/2102 and Directive (EU) 2019/1024) Electronic Communications (Incorporation into Greek Law of Directive (EU) 2018/1972) and other provisions" (Α΄184)
He proclaims
Elections on Thursday 23 May 2024, starting at 09.00 am. – 2.00 p.m. for the nomination of representatives of the members of the Teaching Research Staff (DEP) in the Assembly of the Department of Medicine, SEY, University of Thessaly from 01.09.2024 to 31.08.2025, with an annual term.
The elections will be held by universal, direct and secret voting, carried out exclusively electronically through the special information system called "ZEUS Digital Ballot" of the Greek public limited company, under the name "National Network of Technology and Research Infrastructures S.A. » (EDYTE S.A.), according to Official Gazette 5220/t.B΄/07.10.2022.
Those interested should submit their candidacy, with their application exclusively online, to the Secretariat of the Department of Medicine, at the electronic address, from Saturday, April 13, 2024 until Sunday, April 28, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. Any candidate may withdraw his/her candidacy. Resignation is made by written declaration, exclusively electronically at the email address , which is submitted to the competent body for the issuance of the notice in accordance with its terms and is immediately forwarded to the Elections Conducting Body (ODE), no later than the tenth day before the voting is held.
The representatives of D.E.P. members at the Assembly of the Department they are selected by Sector and the number of representatives is determined according to par. 2 of article 29 of Law 4957/2022 "at twenty percent (20%) of the members of the D.E.P. who serve in each Sector, if the total number of D.E.P. members who serve in the Department are from one hundred (100) to two hundred (200)."
All D.E.P. members have the right to submit nominations for the position of representative at the Department's Assembly. full-time employees serving in the Department, regardless of rank, including serving lecturers, provided they do not retire during the term of office announced. The nominations are submitted before the competent body for the issuance of the announcement and forwarded to the Elections Conducting Body.
The electoral body for the nomination of D.E.P. members. in the Assembly of the Department, it is made up of full-time and part-time Teaching Research Staff (D.E.P.) members, regardless of rank, including serving lecturers, who serve in the Department, at the time of the elections, excluding those who are under suspension duties or on unpaid leave in accordance with par. 2 of article 40 of Law 4957/2022.
As an Election Conducting Body (E.D.E.) for monitoring the electoral process of the representatives of E.D.E.P. members. each Sector has a Sector Manager. The O.D.E. checks the nominations that have been submitted, announces the candidates and draws up a single ballot that includes all the candidates in alphabetical order.
Those who collected the largest number of votes until the number of up for election positions are filled are elected as representatives per Sector.
If the process is unsuccessful, it will be repeated on the next working day, i.e. Friday, May 24, 2024 at 09:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (Greece time), in accordance with the provisions of Joint Ministerial Decision No. 123024/Z1/06.10.2022 (Β΄ 5220).
If there is a tie between the candidates, an electronic lottery is conducted using the "ZEUS Digital Ballot" system among those who voted in a tie.
The announcement for the nomination of the representatives of the D.E.P. members. each Section at the Section Meeting will be posted on the Section's website.
Announcement for faculty representatives in the Department of Pathology 2024-2025
TI Faculty application for a representative in STI
Minutes of Announcement of Candidates
Electoral List of Pathology Department Faculty Members
*The signature has been placed on the original which is in the Department's file