News of the Department of Medicine

Announcement of the position of Director of the Medical Physics Laboratory of the Clinical Laboratory Sector of the Department of Medicine of the School of Health Sciences of the University of Thessaly


Announcement of the position of Director of the Medical Physics Laboratory of the Clinical Laboratory Sector of the Department of Medicine of the School of Health Sciences of the University of Thessaly


Medical Department


Larissa, April 25, 2024

No. Prot.: 1369


Faculty members

Clinical Laboratory Department TI, SE, PH

(like the Acceptor Table)


President of the Department of Medicine, SEF, Professor Mr. Theofilos Karachalio

SUBJECT: "Announcement for the position of Director of the Medical Physics Laboratory of the Clinical Laboratory Sector of the Department of Medicine of the School of Health Sciences of the University of Thessaly"

The Director of the Clinical Laboratory Department, Professor of Hygiene and Epidemiology Christakis Hatzichristodoulou, taking into account the provisions of article 48 of Law 4957/2022, of article 4 of PART B of KYA 123024/Z1/06-10-2022 of the Ministry of Education & Religion and of the Ministry of Territory as well as chapter E of the Circular of the Ministry of Education & Religion with protocol number 119929/Z1/30.09.2022.



for the appointment of Director

of the Laboratory of Medical Physics

of the Clinical Laboratory Section of the Department of Medicine

of the School of Health Sciences of the University of Thessaly

for a term of three (3) years, from 01/09/2024 to 31/08/2027, on June 12, 2024, Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m..

Those interested in the position of Director submit their application exclusively electronically at the email address, until Thursday, May 16, 2024. Candidates may withdraw their candidacy no later than ten (10) days before the date of the voting. The candidate's resignation is done exclusively electronically at the address, which is addressed to the body to which the nomination is submitted in accordance with the above. Applications for nominations and resignations are recorded by the competent services of A.E.I., so that the date of their submission can be obtained.

The Director of the Sector is designated as the Election Conducting Body (EDB). If the body responsible for monitoring the electoral process is also a candidate for the position of Laboratory Director, then as O.D.E. the most senior member of the D.E.P. is defined of the Sector, in accordance with article 4, 7a of PART B of KYA 123024/Z1/06-10-2022 of the Ministry of Education & Religion and the Ministry of the Territory. The election will be held exclusively by electronic voting through the Special Information System ("ZEUS Digital Ballot") of the National Network of Technology and Research Infrastructures SA (, edited by O.D.E.

Every D.E.P. member has the right to submit a nomination for the position of Director of the Medical Physics Laboratory. full-time, of the rank of Professor or Associate Professor, who has been assigned and serves in the Laboratory of Medical Physics and has the same or related field of study as that of the Laboratory, provided that he does not leave the service during the announced term. Exceptionally, he may submit a nomination as a member of the D.E.P. who leaves the service during the announced term if he is the only D.E.P. member. serving in the Laboratory or if there are no other nominations. Holding the position of Director of a University Laboratory is not incompatible with holding another office of a single-member governing body of the Higher Educational Institution (HEI) or with membership of a collective body of the HEI.

The Administrator O.D.E. checks whether the candidates meet the eligibility conditions, prepares a single ballot with all the candidates and supervises the conduct of the voting. Extracts the results, declares the elected Director and sends the election minutes to the competent body for the issuance of a certificate of election, which is posted on the "CLEAR" program.

The Director of the University Laboratory is elected whoever collects the absolute majority of the valid votes of the members of the electoral body or at least one third (1/3) of the valid votes of the members of the special electoral body, if there is only one candidate . If there is a tie or no candidate has obtained an absolute majority, the vote is repeated on the next working day between the candidates who tied for the first (1st) and second (2nd) places. In case of a new barren election process, it is repeated on the next working day, when the candidate who collects the relative majority of valid votes is elected. If there is a tie, an electronic lottery is conducted using the "ZEUS Digital Ballot" system between the candidates who voted in a tie.

The body of electors for the election of the Director of a University Laboratory is made up of all the twenty members of D.E.P. of the Clinical Laboratory Sector as the laboratory is not self-sufficient at the time of announcing the elections.

Only faculty members who are suspended or on leave without pay are excluded from the possibility of participating in the election process in accordance with par. 2 of article 40 of Law 4957/2022.

This announcement and the relevant application form are posted on the Department's website.



Responsible Statement

The Director

of the Clinical Laboratory Sector

Professor Christakis Hatzichristodoulou


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