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Advanced Trauma Life Support for Doctors ATLS – American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma

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Advanced Trauma Life Support for Doctors ATLS – American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma

    Advanced Trauma Life Support for Doctors
American College of Surgeons Committee on

    The University Surgery Clinic of the Medical Department of the University of Thessaly and the University General Hospital of Larissa is a center for conducting the ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) seminar which is an official program of the American College of Surgeons. The ATLS Student Course does not present new concepts in trauma care, but teaches the priorities in accepted existing treatment methods. The systematic, lean clear and methodical approach to the initial assessment and care of the multiple trauma patient is the hallmark of the ATLS Program.
The seminar is addressed to doctors from all over Greece and medical students on graduation and lasts two (2) days. The two-day intensive training consists of lectures, hands-on practice of rescue techniques on mannequins and volunteers pretending to be injured. The program provides physicians with knowledge and techniques that are understandable and easily adaptable to their own needs. At the end of the seminar, written and oral exams are given which document the knowledge that the trainee doctor has acquired and who is granted a certificate of international recognition, valid for four years.
This particular program is fully accepted and patented internationally. To date, more than 350,000 doctors have been trained on five continents. It is a prerequisite for trauma medicine in the US and Israel, and is a prerequisite for FRCS in the UK and FCS in South Africa. In Greece since 1993, it is organized by the Surgery Clinic of the University of Patras. The center of the University Surgery Clinic of the Larissa University General Hospital has been officially recognized as an ATLS Center since 2002 and more than 500 doctors have been trained to date.
In the Educational Program of ATLS at P.Th. The Scientific Manager and Coordinator is Professor of Surgery Mr. Kon/nos Tepetes together with Mr. Michael Spyridakis Director of Surgery (P.G.N.L.) and the administrative coordinator of the program is Ms. Anastasia Poimenidou.
The next seminar is planned to be held on May 25-26, 2024, for applications please contact e-mail: and phone: 6939403554 (daily 9:30 -14:30).

Advanced Trauma Life Support for Doctors ATLS

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