News of the Department of Medicine

"Alexander Flemig" Biomedical Sciences Research Center - Seminars

AnnouncementsConferences - EventsStudents

"Alexander Flemig" Biomedical Sciences Research Center - Seminars

This July we will hold, for the fifth consecutive year, two training seminars, in accordance with the requirements of national and European legislation, where

  • the first concerns at theoretical training on the use of laboratory animals, and is conducted in webinar format (5th LAS Core Modules Course) and
  • the second concerns the corresponding one practical training and will be performed live at the Laboratory Animal Facilities of the "Alexander Flemig" Biomedical Sciences Research Center (5th LAS Basic Skills Course).

The two seminars are complementary (Functions A, C and D) and are aimed at students or graduates of medical biology schools, who work or intend to work with animals for research purposes.

  • the theoretical seminar"5th LAS Core Modules Course” which will be held in webinar format on 01-02 July 2024, as well as
  • the practical 5th LAS Basic Skills Course (Hands-on)” which will be conducted live in the laboratory animal facilities of the "Alexander Flemig" Biomedical Sciences Research Center on 04-05 July 2024.

For more information, you can visit the following links:


LAS Courses I Secretariat Team

Animal Facilities – BSRC “Alexander Fleming”

34 Alexander Fleming, Str
Vari, Greece, PC 16672
tel. +30 210 9656310 (-253)



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