HelMSIC – “Health Festival – This year's theme is Mental Health”
October 25, 2023 2023-11-14 2:08HelMSIC – “Health Festival – This year's theme is Mental Health”
Health Festival – A conference by Medical Students for Medical Students on Mental Health
The "Health Festival - 3rd Panhellenic Conference of Medical Students for Public Health" is a three-day conference which is co-organized by HelMSIC and the 3rd Health Region of Macedonia. It is addressed to medical students of all years and each time concerns a different topical public health issue. For this year, the theme of the conference has been chosen Mental Health.
The conference approaches the issue of Mental Health from many sides, highlighting the intense its social dimension, giving a platform to civil society organizations to represent vulnerable social groups and highlight the stigma surrounding mental illness. At the same time, all the current trends in Psychiatry as well as political dimension of the issue with an analysis of the health services provided in our country. Our goal is to offer participants a unique experience, which will combine education and interaction with medical students from all over the country.
The Health Festival includes:
● Round banks by leading scientists in the field of mental health and by Medical Students
● Workshops by renowned scientific collaborators and trainings by specialist HelMSIC co-educational trainers
● Posters and Free Announcements medical students
● Fair by counseling agencies involved in supporting people with mental disorders
● Debates with ethical dilemmas around Mental Health
● Panels Discussion about the contemporary challenges in Mental Health in our country and the psychiatric reform
● Art Exhibition
The unique innovation of the conference, however, is one street action which will take place in Aristotelous Square and will mark the end of the conference in the most festive way. Medical Students, Psychiatric Clinics, Mental Health Structures, Public Bodies, Voluntary Organizations and Student Groups will all together inform the citizens of Thessaloniki about the importance of Mental Health and the available support structures in the city. Specifically, as a medical student, you will have the opportunity to chat with passers-by and hand out information brochures, which will contain information on basic mental disorders, expert advice, etc., with the aim of raising public awareness of basic Mental Health issues but and combating stigma.
The Conference has been put under the auspices of all Medical Schools, the Hellenic Psychiatric Association, the Panhellenic Medical Association, the Region of Central Macedonia, the Municipality of Thessaloniki and the Medical Associations of Athens and Evros, while it is recognized by the International Confederation of Medical Student Organizations - IFMSA.
When and where will it take place?
The conference will be held at Thessaloniki and specifically at the Center for Dissemination of Research Results (K.D.E.A) of AUTH on December 8 – 10, 2023. The official language of the conference is Greek with some parts of it being held in English.
Will you miss it?
You can learn more about the registration process in the form below:
and register at the following link: https://forms.gle/bZKnA6NbBeNfk95w7
Do you want to know more?
For more information you can follow our Facebook Event: https://fb.me/e/PPIBiEoU. Do not hesitate to ask us for any question you may have at hf-registration@helmsic.gr!
A few words about her HelMSIC
HelMSIC – Hellenic Medical Students' International Committee is an independent non-governmental, non-profit, non-partisan association. It was founded in 1958 and consists of 7 local committees, one in each city where the Medical School is located. Our actions are basically focused on six themes, medical student research and clinical exchanges, public health, medical education, sexual and reproductive health and human rights and peace.
We are waiting for you!