Announcement of Professor Positions at the University of Thessaly – 3 Positions in the Department of Medicine
November 10, 2023 2024-10-09 13:49Announcement of Professor Positions at the University of Thessaly – 3 Positions in the Department of Medicine
Announcement of Professor Positions at the University of Thessaly – 3 Positions in the Department of Medicine
Medical Department
1. One (1) vacant faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor with tenure, subject "Radiation Oncology", of the Clinical Laboratory Sector, (No. Proc. 21205/23/ΠΑ/05-10-2023, Official Gazette 2747/19-10-2023/t.Γ', AD: ΨΤΨΨ469Β7Ξ-Ψ4Θ)
"APELLA" Post Code: APP36732
Radiotherapy or Radiation Oncology (the two terms are identical nationwide and worldwide - Anglo-Saxon term "Radiotherapy" or "Radiation Oncology") is a recognized main medical oncology specialty and aims to treat malignant diseases and cancers, as well as benign tumors and diseases , through the use of radiation and especially ionizing radiation. It is based on the application of a multitude of techniques for the correct irradiation of the affected by malignancy, areas, tissues and organs of the body while simultaneously protecting (within the prescribed limits) the neighboring healthy tissues and organs. It also uses every available method of morphological and functional imaging of the human body (classic radiological examinations, digital and magnetic mammography, ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, scintigraphy of all kinds, and positron tomography) to plan radiation therapy in such a way so that the radiation is properly focused on the targets and properly removed from the healthy organs. The advertised position requires, based on the training program of specialists in our specialty, knowledge of radiodiagnosis, nuclear medicine, clinical oncology, pathological anatomy and clinical experience in the entire range of malignant diseases and cancers and in the entire range of radiotherapy techniques, educational experience at undergraduate and postgraduate level and especially in innovative teaching methods as well as research experience at clinical and basic level with the subject of malignant (cancers) and benign tumors.
2. One (1) professor position at his level Associate Professor with academic subject "Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgery» (No. Proc. 21204/23/ΠΑ/05-10-2023, Official Gazette 2747/19-10-2023/t.Γ', ΑΡΑ0469Β7Ξ-Ξ9)
"APELLA" Post Code: APP36733
Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgery is a major medical specialty and has as its object the surgical treatment of all diseases related to diseases of the heart, chest and proximal vessels of the heart.
Experience in Thoracic Aortic Separation and heart failure surgery is also necessary for this position.
In addition to clinical experience, the position requires many years of educational experience at undergraduate and postgraduate level, administrative activity as well as scientific work at clinical and basic level.
3. One (1) professor position at his level Associate Professor with academic subject "Medical Biology-Cell Biology(No. Proc. 20374/23/ΓΠ1/26-09-2023, Official Gazette 2747/19-10-2023/t.C', AD: 6PY7469Β7ξ-7ΕΡ)
"APELLA" Post Code: APP36734
The academic subject "Medical Biology-Cell Biology" concerns the elucidation of molecular and mainly cellular mechanisms/functions and phenomena (such as cell cycle, cellular aging, cellular defense mechanisms, etc.) which regulate human health and/or pathology. The objective of the subject is the thorough study of cells in order to reveal the involvement of the dysfunction of cellular functions in the etiopathogenesis of diseases. Studies that utilize molecular/genetic/cytogenetic marker methods (eg gene mutations or polymorphisms) with a clinical phenotype, without investigating the underlying cellular and molecular mechanism, have only partial relevance to the subject in question.
Medical Department, οδός Πανεπιστημίου 3, Τ.Κ. 41500, Βιόπολις-Λάρισα, τηλ. 2410 685703, e-mail:, αρμόδιος υπάλληλος κ. Κοντογιάννη Αρετή.