News of the Department of Medicine

Announcement of Professor Positions at the University of Thessaly – 3 Positions in the Department of Medicine


Announcement of Professor Positions at the University of Thessaly – 3 Positions in the Department of Medicine




Medical Department


1. One (1) professor position at his level Associate Professor with academic subject "Transfusion Medicine» (No. Proc. 22196/23/ΓΠ/16-10-2023, Official Gazette 2888/01-11-2023/t.C', AD: 68Θ8469Β7Ξ-ΙΟ6) "APELLA" Post Code: APP37033


The scope of the advertised position "TRANSFUSION MEDICINE" includes clinical and laboratory issues of blood donation, immunohematology, coagulation and hematologic disorders, cell removal and collections, cell therapy, management and monitoring of clinical transfusion practices, patient blood management, hemovigilance as well as educational courses and clinical practice to medical students on issues related to the subject of Transfusion Medicine.


2. One (1) professor position at his level Assistant Professor with academic subject "Clinical dietetics and nutrition in rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases(No. Proc. 22470/23/ΓΠ/18-10-2023, Official Gazette 2888/01-11-2023/t.C', AD: 9Μ6Θ469Β7ξ-ΑΥ5) "APELLA" Post Code: APP37034


The described position covers the teaching, research, academic and clinical laboratory needs in the said subject covering the activities and contemporary needs of the widely evolving spectrum of clinical nutrition and dietetics that supports Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Diseases. Rheumatology is a cutting-edge specialty of Pathology and the need to meet the nutritional support needs of patients with rheumatic, autoimmune and non-CLINICAL DIET AND NUTRITION IN RHEUMATIC AND MUSCO-SKELETAL DISEASES: The described position covers the teaching, research, academic and clinical laboratory needs in said knowledge object covering the activities and contemporary needs of the widely evolving spectrum of clinical nutrition and dietetics that supports Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Diseases. Rheumatology is a cutting-edge specialty of Pathology and the need to meet the nutritional support needs of patients with rheumatic, autoimmune and non-immune diseases as well as musculoskeletal diseases differ due to the complexity of comorbidities, complications due to the therapeutic approach and polypharmacy as well as immunosuppression induced by the medicines. Patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases of a similar nature are constantly increasing and modern epidemiological studies estimate that 7-15% of the general population will suffer during their lifetime from these diseases. The role of nutrition, nutritional supplements and specialized dietetics is a rapidly growing branch of clinical dietetics. University and clinical centers of excellence abroad with a focus on the subject in question have focused and specialized which addresses the research and academic needs at the level of research promotion, the teaching of medical and biomedical sciences students by introducing courses, the promotion of translational science and basic research and ultimately serving the various social and clinical needs that promote the quality of life and health of patients with the mentioned diseases. Particular importance has been given to the role of immunonutrition and the anti-inflammatory diet, which is used as a complementary approach to treatment for the most complete and optimal treatment of patients. The ultimate goal is to improve the health, prognosis and quality of life of patients with rheumatic and other diseases, inflammatory and non-inflammatory, and to support them with nutritional factors and dietary interventions. The subject is treated by nutritionists with experience, research and scientific work in autoimmune rheumatic diseases, in rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases in general and in the immunonutrition of autoimmune diseases. Candidates have targeted experience in the execution of clinical, experimental and research protocols, with the aim of searching for new techniques and therapeutic methods in the field of knowledge that treats the subject and long-term collaboration and exchange of scientific knowledge with other academic research institutions at home or abroad, as well as with the institutions of the State and the European Union. The scientific work in the subject is confirmed by published works in highly readable journals.


3. One (1) professor position at his level First-level professor with subject "Physiology" (No. Proc. 22840/23/ΓΠ/20-10-2023, Official Gazette 2907/06-11-2023/t.Γ', AD: 6Ψ0Ω469Β7Ξ-ΥΥΞ) "APELLA" Post Code: APP37035


Physiology is the branch of Medicine, which studies on the one hand the functioning of the human organism as a whole, on the other hand it focuses on the functioning of individual systems and by extension their organs. To understand the function, both at the level of the organism and by extension at the level of the cell, the use of experimental models is required to draw conclusions and their subsequent application in clinical practice.

The deadline for submitting nominations and supporting documents ends on 10-01-2024.

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Medical Department, Πανεπιστημίου 3, 41500, Βιόπολις, Λάρισα, τηλ. 2410 685703, e-mail:, αρμόδιος υπάλληλος κ. Κοντογιάννη Αρετή.

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