News of the Department of Medicine

Announcement for the filling of one (1) vacant position of Special Technical Laboratory Staff (S.T.E.P.), PE category, Entry level D with a five-year term, with a specialty "Biochemistry", for specialized technical laboratory support of the Department of Medicine of the School of Health Sciences of the University of Thessaly.


Announcement for the filling of one (1) vacant position of Special Technical Laboratory Staff (S.T.E.P.), PE category, Entry level D with a five-year term, with a specialty "Biochemistry", for specialized technical laboratory support of the Department of Medicine of the School of Health Sciences of the University of Thessaly.





Medical Department


Μία (1) θέση Ειδικού Τεχνικού Εργαστηριακού Προσωπικού (Ε.Τ.Ε.Π.), κατηγορίας ΠΕ, Εισαγωγικής βαθμίδας Δ΄ με πενταετή θητεία, για εξειδικευμένη τεχνική εργαστηριακή υποστήριξη του Τμήματος Ιατρικής της Σχολής Επιστημών Υγείας του Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλίας, με ειδικότητα «Βιοχημεία».

Necessary qualifications for occupying the above position are:

1. Possession of an AEI degree from the Department of Chemistry or Biology or Biochemistry of the country or an equivalent degree in a corresponding specialty from recognized schools abroad or another A.E.I. degree. related specialty.

2. Very good and certified knowledge of the English Language.

3. Special previous involvement and experience with Biochemistry, which is demonstrated either by relevant studies, or by similar training (postgraduate studies or PhD) or by professional or research experience or by a combination of these. Candidates' experience must be documented by relevant qualifications, certificates of previous service or related professional employment and letters of recommendation.

Position Description:

The announcement of the above ETEP position deemed necessary for the provision of services related to meeting the needs of the Biochemistry Laboratory: Co-assistance in the work (educational, research) of the Faculty members of the Biochemistry Laboratory for its better execution, participating in the preparation, conduct of the courses, laboratory exercises and examinations of the Laboratory courses: management and support of the space and infrastructure for student exercises of the Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry Laboratories, control and organization of the space and workplaces, maintenance of all instruments, training and supervision of students in the correct handling of the instruments and management of the necessary materials (reagents and consumables)

Announcement pdf

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