Quality Assurance – Learning Outcomes
November 10, 2023 2023-12-12 1:31Quality Assurance – Learning Outcomes
Quality Assurance Policy of the Undergraduate Study Program of the Department of Medicine, University of Th.
The Undergraduate Study Program (PPS) of the Department of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, has as its central objective the provision of students with the appropriate scientific knowledge, skills and abilities that will serve as resources for their personal scientific development and their future professional career in their subject. A partial goal of the Department's PPS is to achieve the learning outcomes included in the title awarded in accordance with the requirements of science, technology and the arts.
Purpose and goals - Vision
"The provision of high-quality undergraduate and postgraduate education, aimed at graduating doctors with sound theoretical and clinical training, with sufficient basic skills and the ability to follow scientific developments in pursuit of excellence. Also, to have an interest in innovative research and to be governed by the ideals of social solidarity, humanitarianism and unparalleled medical ethics".
The basic principles that govern the operation of the Department of Medicine and ensure quality assurance are:
- the offer of education at the level of higher education
- the dedication to the advancement of science and the transmission of knowledge
- the defense of academic freedom in teaching and research
- the protection of free expression and the circulation of ideas
- the academic completion of students
- the creation and maintenance of the infrastructures that will promote the teaching and research process
- the emphasis on objects that have been identified as cutting-edge objects
- the promotion of interdisciplinarity
- adherence to merit-based selection and development procedures for all staff
- the active participation of teachers in the administrative procedures of the department
- supporting the extroversion of teachers, students and administrators
- the interaction with agencies and society

The commitment of the Department's Quality Assurance Policy is communicated to members of the academic community through its posting on the Department's website.
Quality Policy of the Department of Medicine for Postgraduate Study Programs
The Quality Policy of the Department of Medicine for the Postgraduate Study Programs is fully harmonized with the quality assurance policy of the Institution (Decision of the Rector's Council, meeting 168/12-10-2021) and the Quality Policy of the Department of Medicine of the School of Health Sciences for the Undergraduate Program Studies.
The Department of Medicine's policy on PMS is made public and disseminated to its involved members, so that its academic and administrative staff as well as its students take responsibility for quality assurance in accordance with their assigned role.
In particular, for PMSs, the Department of Medicine is committed to offering its students high-quality education and to promoting knowledge and research in the areas related to its academic subjects.
The offered PMS are committed to fulfilling their educational and research purpose with ethical rules, which serve the needs of society and contribute to the formation of a free academic environment, to conducting high-level research, to guaranteeing that the teaching staff has the highest possible level for teaching and research as well as in shaping a culture of collaborations with educational and research institutions at home and abroad.
The Department of Medicine is committed to the implementation of the PMS quality policy, which supports the academic personality and the orientation of his Study Program, sets, implements and he watches the quality objectives, determines the means, actions and ways of achieving them, and applies the indicated internal and external quality procedures with the ultimate aim of its continuous improvement.
For the implementation of the PMS quality policy, a necessary condition is the implementation of quality procedures which ensure:
- continuous improvement of the quality of the Study Program, the educational, research and administrative work
- the appropriateness of the structure and organization of the PMS Curriculum
- the pursuit of learning outcomes and qualifications in accordance with the European and National Framework for Higher Education Qualifications
- the interconnection of teaching with research, integrating the needs of the labor market
- the creation of a PMS Alumni Network to strengthen the profile of the Programs and their imprint on the Market and Society,
- the promotion of the quality and efficiency of the teaching work,
- highlighting the quality and quantity of the teachers' research work
- the appropriateness of the teaching staff's qualifications
- the provision of modern, quality and digitally developed services
- carrying out the annual internal evaluation of the PMS, within the framework of the Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) with the cooperation of the Department's OMEA of Medicine and the MODIP of the Foundation.

PPS learning outcomes
The Undergraduate Study Program (PPS) of the Department of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, has as its central objective the provision of students with the appropriate scientific knowledge, skills and abilities that will serve as resources for their personal scientific development and their future professional career in their subject. A partial goal of the Department's PPS is to achieve the learning outcomes included in the title awarded in accordance with the requirements of science, technology and the arts. Purpose and goals-Vision "The provision of high-quality undergraduate and postgraduate education, aimed at graduating doctors with sound theoretical and clinical training, with sufficient basic skills and the ability to follow scientific developments in pursuit of excellence. Also, to have an interest in innovative research and to be governed by the ideals of social solidarity, humanitarianism and unparalleled medical ethics". The student's introduction to Medicine, so that he/she is able to finish the studies: Have a competent knowledge of basic sciences and be familiar with the current basic clinical skills of modern Medical Science. To be able to diagnose, treat and prevent the most common ailments and diseases of the population, through critical thinking and synthesis of their knowledge. To be able to communicate effectively with patients, relatives, colleagues and other health personnel, with a view to the most effective treatment of incidents and the promotion of public health. Possess a high sense of responsibility, professionalism and medical ethics and be dedicated to the patients they are supposed to serve. Finally, our goal is to instill in the graduates of our faculty, the love for research, the interest in teaching younger colleagues, the ability to reflect and self-criticize and the effort for continuous continuing education and improvement of their abilities in the future exercise of the function their. The above formulation is specialized in the following points, which concern the abilities and skills that the graduate of the Department of Medicine of the University of Thessaly must have acquired: In terms of knowledge, abilities and skills overall: The graduates of the Department of Medicine of the University of Thessaly must have acquired knowledge, abilities and skills: |
Have advanced knowledge and critical understanding of basic theories and principles to be able to apply specific scientific and theoretical concepts and principles in Medical Science.
An excellent physician is the one who does everything in medicine according to the right word Galen 19, 3555
He is a good physician who is skilled in theory and practice Galen 19, 3555
1. To be able to apply the knowledge acquired with critical thinking.
Do good or do no harm (Hippocratic Exhortations)
2. Have the ability to gather and interpret evidence from the clinical examination to form informed judgments based on scientific reasoning.
(For this reason... transfer wisdom to medical and medical to wisdom (Hippocrates, On Prosperity (§5)
3. To be able to question the established knowledge in a documented way
1. To manage complex technical or professional activities
2. Taking responsibility and making decisions in unpredictable work environments
3. To be able to develop their scientific activity with team work spirit.
(Life is short, but art is long, but the weather is bitter, but the experience is false, and the crisis is bitter (Hippocrates))
4. To demonstrate the necessary disposition and behavior to continue in further studies with a high degree of autonomy, a spirit of apprenticeship and lifelong education.
(No medicine has been seen by those who have not seen what is human).