Call for Applications for the grant of scholarships to PhD candidates within the framework of the IKY-EYDAP program
April 23, 2024 2024-04-23 18:10Call for Applications for the grant of scholarships to PhD candidates within the framework of the IKY-EYDAP program
Call for Applications for the grant of scholarships to PhD candidates within the framework of the IKY-EYDAP program
Invitation to Expression of Interest
IKY-EYDAP scholarship program for doctoral candidates of Greek universities
for the preparation of doctoral research
academic year 2024 – 2025
Deadline for submitting applications: 30/05/2024 and 16:00 Greek time
The State Scholarship Foundation, within the framework of the program entitled "IKYEFDAP Scholarships" established by Decision 91811/Z1/22.07.2022 of the Deputy Minister of Education and Religion (Government Gazette Issue B' 3983/27.07.2022);
He proclaims
Two (2) four-year scholarship positions funded by EYDAP to PhD candidates from Greek universities who prepare their thesis in the following subjects:
1. Provision of water and sewage services.
2. Study, construction, installation, operation, exploitation, management, maintenance, expansion and renewal of water and sewage systems.
3 Pumping, desalination, treatment, storage, transport and distribution of all types of water.
4. Projects and procedures for collection, transport, storage, treatment as well as management and disposal of waste water treatment products.