Lesson Code: MP0800

Professor in charge: Sgantzos Markos, Associate Professor

Other Teachers:

ECTS: 2.00

Type|Type of Course: OP | SCIENTIFIC AREA

Teaching Semester: 13th Semester

Hours per week: 2 hours

Total Time (Teaching Hours + Student Workload) 54 Hours

Prerequisites: NO

Language of Instruction: Greek and/or English

Available for Erasmus: NO

Semester Lectures: Coming Soon…

Teaching Method: Development of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation topics – Commenting on patient case characteristics – Student participation in the approach to the patient with incapacity/disability and the planning of the Rehabilitation program

Evaluation Method: Writing a paper
The general assessment criteria are analyzed during the introductory course.

Objective Objectives/Desired Results: The aim of the course is for students to understand the importance and clinical contribution of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation as an independent Medical Specialty. Natural Medicine and Rehabilitation has the ability, by using natural means, to help the patient to reduce the disability that may be caused by some damage to his health. Also, through the operation of the Rehabilitation team, it is possible to break the close relationship that exists between the incapacity and the disability that can be caused in case of permanent damage, so as to enable the person to fulfill his role within the family and the community.
Through teaching the course the student will become more familiar with it
necessity and the application of physical means as well as with the operation of the Rehabilitation team and the distinct role that each member has, such as the Physiotherapist, the Occupational Therapist, the Speech Therapist, the Psychologist, the Orthotics and Prosthetics Technician. This gives him the opportunity to get to know an object that complements the other medical specialties and is encountered very often in daily practice.

Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
• Has understood the basic principles of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PHY)
• Has knowledge of the main diagnostic and therapeutic applications of FIAP
• Knows the members and operation of the Rehabilitation team
• Can assess the patient's needs in Activities of Daily Life and
self service.
• Analyzes the needs of the patient in combination with the history, the clinical picture and the data of the other clinical laboratory control and designs a personalized program
• Can work with fellow students to research and analyze international

General Skills
Search, analysis and synthesis
data and information, with
use and the necessary
Work in an international environment
Work in an interdisciplinary environment

Course URL :

Course Description:

Recommended reading: Suggested Bibliography: – Students are provided with Didactics in electronic format
Power Point notes and files

Additional Bibliography:
Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine for Medical Students Edi.Ermes – Milan (Italy) 2018
ISBN 978-88-7051-636-4 – Digital edition

Τμημα Ιατρικής - Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλίας
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