Access – FMEA
December 10, 2023 2025-02-06 14:10Access – FMEA

09-12-2024 Εργαστήριο της Μονάδας Ισότιμης Πρόσβασης με τίτλο «Αποδοτικοί Τρόποι Μελέτης»
19-08-2024 Start of registration of students with disabilities and/or special educational needs in the Equal Access Unit
The enrollment period in the Equal Access Unit for the winter semester 2024-2025 begins from Monday 19 August 2024 up to and including Friday, October 4, 2024.
If you are a student with a disability and/or special educational needs, studying at the University of Thessaly and you want to register at the Equal Access Unit, follow these steps:
- Complete the Enrollment Application for students with disabilities and/or special educational needs online, which you will find on the website of the Equal Access Unit ( To fill out the registration form, you must log in with your university email.
- You will be asked to attach two forms to the application:
a) the diagnostic document from a public body stating the disability and/or special educational needs
b) the descriptive assessment report of your skills (e.g. learning, cognitive, communication, social, motor, etc.) and your needs (you can look for it from the body that issued the diagnostic document or from another body, public or private, in which some evaluation process was carried out). - After completing the application, make an appointment electronically via the website of the Equal Access Unit (Make an appointment) to record your needs in person (in the city of Volos or Larissa) or remotely via Microsoft Teams.
More information about the registration in the Equal Access Unit can be found at "Registration-guide-2024-2025.pdf (».
For more information about the Equal Access Unit contact us by phone or send a message to
Announcement for the start of registration of students with disabilities in the Equal Access Unit
The interdisciplinary team of the Equal Access Unit
People with disabilities and people with special educational needs
University of Thessaly
Updates on the needs of students with disabilities and/or special educational needs in the Equal Access Unit for the new academic year 2024-2025
Updates for the new academic year 2024-2025 are starting soon!
You are a student and you are already registered in the Equal Access Unit and do you want to inform us of any change regarding your needs, the services you receive and/or the adjustments you request?
The Peer Access Unit updates period starts from Monday, July 8, 2024 and is completed on Friday, August 2, 2024.
Make an appointment through the website of the Equal Access Unit by following the link below:
For more information contact us by phone at 24210-74345 and 2410-684395 or send us a message at
Operational Program "Human Resource Development, Education & Lifelong Learning: and on Facebook:
Its interdisciplinary team ACCESS
In particular, the contact details of the designated persons are:
- Markos Sgantzos, Associate Professor of Anatomy-History of Medicine, office phone 2410-68-5665,
- Eleni Bobola, administrative officer at the Student Secretariat, office phone 2410-68-5590, e-mail: