


1. Requests

a.Application for participation in the swearing-in ceremony (.doc)

b. Application for granting copies of diplomas - papyrus (.doc)

c. Application for certificate of completion of studies (.doc)

2. Bill of collection

a. Papyrus €4.96

Account: NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE: IVAN GR 58 0110 2010 0000 2014 8061 664

(The name and the reason for filing should be written in the brackets)

3. Liaison Office Application

4. Certificate from the Department Library that no books are owed (will be sought by the Secretariat)

5. Academic Identity 

6. Please connect to the link and fill out the questionnaire:

Questionnaire I CAN! : http://epidemiology.med.uth.gr/dilosi/index.php/352632?lang=el

Τμημα Ιατρικής - Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλίας
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