
Physical Principles of Biomedical Imaging and Radioprotection

Medical Department
postgraduate PROGRAMME



Medical Department

postgraduate PROGRAMME




 The Department of Medicine of the University of Thessaly announces the start of applications for the Master's Program (MSC) entitled "Physical Principles of Biomedical Imaging and Radiation Protection" for the academic year 2024-2025, which leads to the award of a corresponding Master's Degree (MSD) and is governed by from the regulation of Postgraduate Studies of the University of Thessaly.

The P.M.S. "Physical Principles of Biomedical Imaging and Radiation Protection" has as its mission to cultivate and promote, through academic and applied teaching and research, the high-level training of researchers and health professionals in the basic operating principles of biomedical imaging, biomedical research in image analysis and processing and in providing scientifically proven knowledge about radiation protection, both in the fields of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. It will provide its Graduates with the necessary supplies that will provide them with excellent training for their academic, scientific and research careers in a scientific field with ever-increasing demands.


The student of P.M.S. "Physical Principles of Biomedical Imaging and Radioprotection" you will gain knowledge and understanding of:

  • the basic operating principles of biomedical imaging from simple x-rays, to fluoroscopy, invasive radiological operations and computed tomography (CT), nuclear medicine and molecular imaging applications (scintigraphy, SPECT, PET), but also non-ionizing radiation such as ultrasound , magnetic resonance imaging, laser electron microscopy, etc.
  • the fundamentals of advanced imaging techniques and state-of-the-art technology.
  • the use of image analysis tools and imaging biomarker processing with advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques.
  • the risks from the use of radiation to hospital staff and patients.
  • the handling of radiation for medical purposes safely for staff and patients and the prevention and management of accidents
  • the legal framework governing the use of radiation.
  • the quality assurance in radiological operations (chain patient – staff – machines – space) through the faithful observance of radiation protection rules.

In addition, the PMS "Physical Principles of Biomedical Imaging and Radiation Protection" is highly research-oriented and facilitates the natural continuation of doctoral studies.

The PMS is addressed to:

  • Health professionals, qualified doctors, graduates of medicine, nursing as well as other schools of positive direction (physicists, engineers, technologists, graduates of Public Health departments, etc.) of the country and similar recognized institutions abroad (recognition of title by DIKATSA-DOATAP).
  • Graduates of HEIs and ATEIs of other specialties under conditions of additional criteria and consideration of proven professional and research experience related to the subject of the P.M.S., after a decision of the S.E. and validation by ST

THE duration of time studies is defined in 3 semesters, including the time required for the preparation and submission of a thesis.

1st (Winter) semester: Theoretical training

2nd (Spring) semester: Theoretical training

3rd (Winter) semester: Diploma thesis

The successful completion of the program includes the attendance and examination of the ten (10) compulsory courses, as well as the preparation and presentation of the Diploma Thesis (90 ECTS).

The P.M.S. it is designed to address employees as well, that is why the courses are held on Friday-Saturday-Sunday, 2 times a month based on the timetable to be announced, and by means of distance education in accordance with the legal provisions.

 Tuition Fees:

The tuition fees for each postgraduate student amount to 2,500 euros (1st semester: 1000 euros, 2nd semester 1000 euros and 3rd semester 500 euros). The number of admitted students is limited to forty (40) students.

Interested prospective graduate students are invited to submit the following to the Graduate Program Secretariat supporting documents*:

  1. Application for Participation
  2. Detailed CV
  3. Copy of degree or certificate of completion of studies showing the grade of the degree (if the candidate has completed his/her studies and only the swearing-in is pending). In the case of graduates of foreign universities, a certificate of recognition from DOATAP must be submitted
  4. Copy of Detailed Score
  5. Postgraduate certificates or diplomas (if applicable)
  6. Evidence of professional experience (if any)
  7. Two letters of recommendation (from a teacher or employer)
  8. Scientific publications, awards, and evidence of research activity (if any)
  9. Photocopy of two sides of the police ID
  10. Diploma or certificate of proficiency in English (mandatory) and other foreign languages (optional)
  11. A recent photo ID (in electronic format if submitted online)
  12. Declaration of Law 1599/86 "that all supporting documents are exact copies of the originals"

*Please note that you will need to provide the original documents within (3) days if requested.

Submit Applications:

From 01/06/2024 to 31/08/2024

 Course start: October 2024.

Interested prospective postgraduate students can submit a candidacy application online via the PMS website (, or by courier to the PMS secretariat at the following address:

Address for submitting supporting documents and applications:

Graduate Program Secretariat

"Physical Principles of Biomedical Imaging and Radioprotection"

Department of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly

Address: Panepistimi 3, Biopolis Building, Postal Code 41500, Larissa

Office 304, 3o floor

Tel. Information: 6932358898, 6986768983

Monday to Friday 09:00 to 15:00

Email: and

More information:


Application for Participation 

Responsible Statement

Resume Form



The Director of P.M.S


Ioannis Tsougos

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