Communication with students (via e-class) for easy access to teaching material and the organization of tutorials and group learning to elaborate research skills
Laboratory exams
Written Exams (multiple choice questions – questions with short responses and 1-2 paragraph answers)
Objective Objectives/Desired Results:
Module Objectives (Key learning benefits):
1.The understanding of the general descriptive anatomy of the visceral organs and the vessels
2. The understanding of the topographic anatomy of the neck, the thorax, the abdomen and the pelvis
3. The clinical anatomy of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, immune, endocrine, urinary and female and male reproductive system.
Standard Requirements
1. The recognition of the most anatomical structures of the above mentioned systems at the plastic modules and speciments.
2. Solving simple clinical problems using the knowledge of anatomy
Course URL :
Course Description:
Anatomy of the heart (2 hrs)
Anatomy of the Vascular System (4 hrs)
Respiratoty System – Nose, Nosal Cavity and Paranasal sinuses (2 hrs)
Respiratoty System – Larynx (2 hrs)
Respiratoty System – Lungs (2 hrs)
Digestive System – Oran cavity, Pharynx, Oesophagus (2 hr)
Digestive System – Abdominal cavity, Stomach, Small Intestine (2 hr)
Digestive System – Colon, (2 hr)
Digestive System – Liver, Biliary Duct, Pancreas (2hr)