- Neurophysiology
- Sensory Physiology
Lesson 1: Introduction to sensory systems - Sensory receptors
- Neural pathways in sensory systems
- Association cortex and perceptual processing
- Primary sensory coding
Lesson 2: Somatic sensation - Types of somatic sensation
- Dorsal horn-Dorsal column pathway
- Nociceptors and thermoreceptors
- Classification of pain (deep pain, visceral pain, referred pain)
- Ventrolateral spinothalamic tract
- Modulation of pain transmission
- Morphine and enkephalins
- Somatotopic organization
- Cortical plasticity
- Effects of CNS lesions
Lesson 3: The Eye: I. Optics of Vision - Parts of the eye and their function
- Retina
- Neural pathways involved in vision
- Photoreceptors
- The image forming mechanism
- Principles of optics
- Common defects of the image forming mechanism
- Lens accommodation
- Correction of refractive anomalies with the use of lenses
Lesson 4: The Eye: II. Receptor and Neural Function of the Retina - Processing of visual information in the retina
- Photoreceptor potentials
- Bipolar, horizontal, amacrine and ganglion cell function
- Receptive field formation
Lesson 5: The Eye: III. Central Neurophysiology of Vision - Primary visual cortex organization
- Other cortical areas involved in vision
- Color vision
- Visual fields and binocular vision
- Effect of lesions in the optic pathways
- Eye movements
Lesson 6: The sense of Hearing - Sound – Sound waves
- The structure of the outer, middle and inner ear
- Physiology of the outer, middle and inner ear
- Sound transmission in the ear
- The tympanic reflex
- Travelling waves
- Electrical responses of hair cells
- Action potentials in afferent nerve fibers
- Functions of the inner and outer ear cells
- Action potentials in auditory nerve fibers
- The central auditory pathway
- Auditory responses of neurons in the medulla oblongata
- Other cortical areas concerned with audition
- Sound localization
- Deafness
Lesson 7: The vestibular system – Smell and taste - The vestibular system central pathway
- Responses to rotational and linear acceleration
- The function of otoliths
- Spatial orientation
- The olfactory epithelium, olfactory bulbs and olfactory cortex
- Olfactory receptors and signal transduction
- Taste buds and pathways
- Taste receptors and signal transduction
Lesson 8: Synopsis of Lessons 1-7: Problem based learning - Motor and Integrative Neurophysiology
Lesson 9: Voluntary and involuntary control of body movement and posture I - The areas of the brain involved in the design, initiation and execution of skillful voluntary movements
- Hierarchy of motor control within the CNS
- Motor cortex
- Organization of the primary motor, premotor and supplementary motor cortex
- The role of motor cortex in the control of movement
- The starting point, route and end of the pyramid path
- The corticospinal tracts
Lesson 10: Voluntary and involuntary control of body movement and posture II - Anatomy of the spinal cord and organization of the sensory and kinetic elements of the gray matter. Somatic organization of motor neurons Local control of motor neurons
- α and γ motor neurons
- Structure and function of the muscle stretch receptors (muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs)
- Spinal cord reflexes
o The myotatic (stretch) reflex o The reverse myotatic reflex o The withdrawal reflex - Consequences of upper and lower motor neuron damage
Lesson 11: Descending motion control systems – Basal ganglia Descending motion control systems - Medial brain stem pathways
- Lateral brain stem pathway
- Posture-regulating systems
- Integration of reflexes at the spinal level
- Movement deficits caused by spinal cord injury
Basal ganglia - Anatomy and principal connections of the basal ganglia
- Function of the basal ganglia in motion control
- Basal ganglia diseases
- Parkinson disease
Lesson 12: Cerebellum - The role of the cerebellum in regulating skillful movements
- Anatomic divisions and organization
- Functional divisions of the cerebellum
- Cerebellar cortex neural circuits
- Cerebellar diseases
Lesson 13: Synopsis of Lessons 9-12: Problem based learning Lesson 14: Cerebral cortex and limbic system - Brodmann areas in the visual cortex, auditory cortex, sensory cortex, motor cortex and the areas involved in speech
- Brain areas involved in perception
- Functions of the frontal lobe
- The limbic system
- Main structures of the limbic system
- Main ascending and descending pathways of the limbic system
- Main ascending and descending pathways to the amygdala
- Limbic system functions
- Functions of the hypothalamus
- Functions of the amygdala
- The role of dopamine in the limbic system and disorders of cognition and emotion
Lesson 15: Electrical activity of the brain, sleep–wake states, circadian rhythms - Thalamus, cerebral cortex, & reticular formation
- Physiologic basis of the electroencephalogram (EEG)
- Clinical uses of the EEG
- Sleep–wake cycle
- α, β, γ, θ and δ rhythms
- Sleep stages: REM sleep
- EEG rhythm during various stages of the sleep–wake cycle
- Neural circuits important in sleep-wakefulness regulation
- Changes in human sleep pattern with age
- Circadian rhythms
- Neurochemical mechanisms promoting sleep & arousal
Lecture 16: The Limbic System – Behavioral and Motivational Mechanisms of the Brain - Motivation and action
- Reward system
- Major dopaminergic pathways in the brain
- Prefrontal cortex
- Nucleus accumbens
- Amygdala – emotional responses (fear, anxiety, and aggression)
Lecture 17: Cerebral Cortex, Intellectual Functions of the Brain - Basic anatomical differences between the two hemispheres
- Major differences in the function of the two hemispheres in humans
- Complementary specialization of the hemispheres
- Physiology of language
- Cortex areas involved in speech
- Speech disorders
- Language and age
- Clinical cases
Lesson 18: Learning and memory - Learning and memory
- Forms of memory
- Neural basis of memory
- Synaptic plasticity and learning
- Habituation and sensitization
- Long term potentiation and long term depression
- Conditioned reflexes
- Working memory
- Long term memory
- Brain areas involved in memory formation
- Alzheimer disease & senile dementia
B.Endocrinology & Reproduction Lesson 19: Hypothalamic regulation of hormonal functions – Pituitary gland, anterior pituitary hormones, regulation of growth and development Hypothalamic regulation of hormonal functions - Control of posterior pituitary hormones by the hypothalamus
- Oxytocin
- Antidiuretic hormone
- Functional relationship between the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary
- Hypophysiotropic hormones
- Differences between hypophysiotropic hormones and posterior pituitary hormones
- Significance & clinical implications
Pituitary gland, anterior pituitary hormones, regulation of growth and development - Cell types in the pituitary gland
- The anterior pituitary hormones and their main functions
- Regulation of anterior pituitary secretion
- The role of “non-consecutive” hormones in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland
- Prolactin: action and control of secretion
- Growth hormone: plasma levels and metabolism
- Growth hormone receptors
- Effects on growth
- Effects on protein & electrolyte metabolism
- Effects on carbohydrate & fat metabolism
- Actions and regulation of insulin-like growth factor I secretion
- Direct & indirect actions of growth hormone
- Hypothalamic & peripheral control of growth hormone secretion
- Stimuli affecting growth hormone secretion
- Physiology of growth and development
- Environmental factors affecting growth
- Growth periods
- The effect of hormones on growth and development: thyroid hormones, insulin, androgens and estrogens, cortisol
- Growth defects
- Catch-up growth
Lesson 20: Thyroid gland - Structure of the thyroid gland
- Thyroid hormones
- Iodine homeostasis
- Thyroid hormones synthesis and secretion: the role of thyroglobulin
- Transport & metabolism of thyroid hormones
- Regulation of thyroid hormone secretion
- Effects of TSH on the thyroid gland
- Negative feedback control of thyroid hormones and TSH
- Mechanism of thyroid hormone action
- Effects on metabolism – calorigenic action of thyroid hormones
- Effects on the cardiovascular system
- Effects on the nervous system
- Relation of thyroid hormones to catecholamines
- Effects on growth
- Reduced thyroid function
- Hyperthyroidism
Lesson 21: The adrenal glands - Functional anatomy of the adrenal glands
- Paracrine effects between adrenal medulla and adrenal cortex cells
- Catecholamines
- Effects of catecholamines
- Regulation of adrenal medullary secretion
- Adrenocortical hormone classification
- Synthesis of steroid hormones
- Effect of steroid biosynthesis enzymes deficiencies
- Synthesis, transport and metabolism of cortisol
- Mechanism of cortisol action
- Effects of glucocorticoids on metabolism, tissues and organs
- Secretion in stressful situations
- Regulation of cortisol secretion (CRH, ACTH)
- Synthetic glucocorticoids
- Actions of aldosterone – Regulation of aldosterone secretion
- Disorders of the adrenal cortex (Addison’s Disease, Cushing’s Syndrome, hyperaldosteronism)
- Resistance to stress
- Functions of cortisol in stress
- Functions of the sympathetic nervous system in stress
- Fight or flight response
Lesson 22: Hormonal control of calcium and the physiology of bone - The role of calcium in human physiology
- Calcium homeostasis in the body (bones, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract)
- Vitamin D
- Regulation of vitamin D synthesis
- Vitamin D effects on calcium homeostasis
- Mechanism of vitamin D action
- The parathyroid glands
- Synthesis & metabolism of parathormone (PTH)
- Regulation of PTH synthesis
- PTH effects on calcium homeostasis
- Calcitonin
- Bone structure
- Bone formation & resorption
- Bone disease
- Hypocalcemia and hypercalcemia
- Disorders of PTH secretion and vitamin D production
Lesson 23: Endocrine functions of the pancreas – Hormone regulation of carbohydrate metabolism Endocrine functions of the pancreas - The pancreatic cells and hormones
- Insulin structure and secretion
- Effects of the plasma glucose level on insulin secretion
- Other factors that regulate insulin secretion
- Principal actions of insulin
- Effects of insulin on carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism
- Response of muscle, adipocytes and liver cells to insulin
- Mechanism of insulin action
- Consequences of insulin deficiency
- Consequences of insulin excess
- Glucagon synthesis
- Regulation of glucagon secretion
- Glucagon action
- Insulin–glucagon molar ratios
- Somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide
- Effects of islet cell hormones on the secretion of other islet cell hormones
- Diabetes mellitus
- Hypoglycaemia
Hormone regulation of carbohydrate metabolism - Metabolic events of the absorption phase
- Metabolic events of the post-absorption phase
- Endocrine and neural control of the absorptive and post-absorptive phase: the effects of insulin, glucagon, epinephrine, cortisol and growth hormone.
Lesson 24: Synopsis of Lessons 18-23: Problem based learning Lesson 25: Sex differentiation and development – Male reproductive physiology - Sex determination
- Sex differentiation
- Development of genitalia
- The male reproductive system
- Functional anatomy of the testicles
- Sertoli cells and Leydig cells
- Spermatogenesis
- Transport of sperm
- Hormonal control of male reproductive functions
Lesson 26: Reproductive physiology of the female - The female reproductive organs
- Ovarian function
- Oogenesis
- Follicle growth
- Formation of the corpus luteum
- Ovarian hormones
- Hormonal control of ovarian function (follicular phase, LH surge and ovulation, luteal phase)
- Uterine changes in the menstrual cycle (menstrual phase, proliferative phase, secretory phase)
- Effects of estrogen and progesterone
Lesson 27: Fertilization – Pregnancy – Lactation - Egg transport
- Sperm transport and capacitation
- Fertilization
- Early development and implantation
- Formation and function of the placenta
- Hormonal and other changes during pregnancy
- Parturition
- Lactation
C. Practical Exercise 1: Neurological examination-myotatic reflexes - Brief description of the neurological examination (History- general examination- higher mental functions – walking- motor system – sensory system – cerebellar system)
- Video
- Testing of myotatic reflexes in the laboratory
Exercise 2: Electroencephalogram (EEG) – Epilepsy - EEG technique and methodology
- Rhythms recorded in EEG
- The EEG in various forms of epilepsy (Video)
Exercise 3: Reproduction - Presentation of case reports