Lesson Code:MP0107

Professor in charge:Grivea Ioanna, Professor

Other Teachers:

Georgios Syrogiannopoulos, Antonios Gounaris, Alexandros Daponte, Antonios Garas, 


Type|Type of Course:EL | SCIENTIFIC AREA

Teaching Semester:WINTER SEMESTER

Hours per week:2 hours

Total Time (Teaching Hours + Student Workload)54 Hours


Language of Instruction:Greek

Available for Erasmus:NO

Semester Lectures:Coming Soon…

Teaching Method:
  • The students, in collaboration with the lecturers, present lectures in small groups that develop the subject matter of the course
  • IT and media technologies for the presentation of lecture material
  • Use software to present lectures and view slides and videos.
  • Study guide including presentation files and relevant international bibliography are available online to students through e-class.
  • Information about the course and the teachers are available at the secretariats of the Pediatric Clinic and the Obstetrics-Gynecology Clinic of PGN Larissa

Evaluation Method:The examination / evaluation of the student takes place at the end of the course with his participation in a presentation (70%) and in written multiple choice questions (30%).

Objective Objectives/Desired Results:

The teaching of the course is aimed at the students:

  • Understanding the pathology of pregnancy
  • Understanding the complications of pregnancy on fetal viability and development
  • Acquiring the knowledge necessary for the early recognition of situations that are potentially threatening to the pregnant woman and the fetus
  • To present concise updated data of the international literature on perinatal care based on guidelines mainly from Canada, the United Kingdom and the USA
  • To reflect the Greek reality and the required variations and adaptations of the corresponding international recommendations in our country
  • To highlight good practices in the provision of perinatal care, which are considered by professionals in the field to contribute to the improvement of the services provided
  • To identify weaknesses/gaps in the system, but possibly also inefficient everyday practices, as pointed out by the professionals in the field themselves

The students will present in small groups topics related to pregnancy and its problems, as well as how these affect the fetus and the newborn both immediately and in the future.

The presentation of the cases will enable the student to learn how to manage cases related to the perinatal period and how the collaboration between these two specialties can lead to an improvement in perinatal mortality and morbidity.

General Skills

  • Adaptation to new situations
  • Decision making
  • Work in an interdisciplinary environment

Course URL : 

Course Description:o Perinatal mortality and morbidity
o Organization of Perinatal Care
o Normal and residual development of the fetus
o Prenatal diagnosis of genetic diseases
o Fetal monitoring during labor
o Abnormally developing labor
o Pathology of pregnancy
o Medicines and pregnancy
o Normal childbirth
o High-risk pregnancy
o Premature birth
o Cardiorespiratory resuscitation of the newborn
o Stabilization and transport of a premature newborn
o Multiple pregnancies
o Neonates at high risk for immediate and late complications
o Perinatal asphyxia
o Gestational diabetes mellitus
o Injuries during childbirth
o Congenital infections
o Prolongation of pregnancy
o Group B strep infection in the newborn
o Long-term outcome of high-risk neonates

Recommended reading:


  1. High-risk newborn by X. Costalos, Medical publications of Litsa

Lucky code: 25329
2. Obstetric problems and solutions by G. Iatrakis, version 1or (2016)

Lucky code: 320190


  1. Perinatal Journal
  2. Journal of Perinatology
  3. Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology
  4. Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine

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