Orthopedic Clinic ΤΥ - Guest Speakers - Professor L. Zargra 8.4.2024 - Professor KP Gunther 15-04-2024
April 2, 2024 2024-04-23 19:35Orthopedic Clinic ΤΥ - Guest Speakers - Professor L. Zargra 8.4.2024 - Professor KP Gunther 15-04-2024

Orthopedic Clinic ΤΥ - Guest Speakers - Professor L. Zargra 8.4.2024 - Professor KP Gunther 15-04-2024
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
we would like to inform you that, as part of the annual Educational Program of the Orthopedic Clinic of the University of Thessaly, two scientific days will be held, 8 and 15 April 2024, featuring guest lecturers internationally recognized for their contributions to hip surgery.
Her Monday, April 8, 2024, as already announced, the Orthopedic Clinic of the University of Thessaly has the honor of hosting the Prof. Dott. Luigi Zagra, Head of Hip Department, IRCCS Ospedale Galeazzi – Sant'Ambrose, Milan, Italy.
Professor Zagra will give lectures at the scientific evening entitled "Recent advances in joint reconstruction» which will take place in the large amphitheater "Hippocrates" of the School of Medicine, in Biopolis of Larissa, on April 8, 2024 and time 16.00-19.30.
The Professor Zagra is internationally recognized and widely known for his studies and contributions to the field of hip surgery. He has been President of the European Hip Society and is president of the scientific committees of the European Hip Society and EFORT (European Federation of Orthopedics and Traumatology). In addition, he is actively involved in the scientific events of AO Recon.
Her Monday, April 15 the Orthopedic Clinic of the University of Thessaly has the honor of hosting him Prof. Klaus–Peter Gunther, Professor and Chairman, University Center of Orthopaedics, Traumatology & Plastic Surgery, Dresden, Germany.
The Professor Gunther will give lectures at the scientific evening entitled "Contemporary management of hip and knee disorders", which will take place in the large amphitheater "Hippocrates» of the School of Medicine, in Biopolis of Larissa on April 15, 2024 and time 16.30-20.00.
Professor Günther is internationally recognized and widely known for Hip Surgery in early and advanced age. In addition, it has a long-term scientific and administrative activity at the level of EFORT (European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology), and the European Union. Professor Günther served as President of EFORT 2020-2021.
The lectures of the scientific events are of particular interest to doctors of Orthopedics, General Medicine, Physiotherapists, but also to all health professionals involved in the care of athletes and not only.
The lectures will be held in English by the visiting speakers and in Greek with English slides by the staff of our clinic.
The entrance is free.
The posters and programs of the events are attached
Theofilos Karachalios
Orthopedic Clinic
University of Thessaly