Lesson Code: BE0101

Professor in charge: Trahana Varvara, Assistant Professor – Permanent

Other Teachers: I. Papathanasiou, A. Damalas, Murmoura Evanthia, Ioannis Kyriazis

ECTS: 5.00

Type|Type of Course: YP | BACKGROUND

Teaching Semester: 1st Semester

Hours per week: 6 hours

Total Time (Teaching Hours + Student Workload) 149 Hours

Prerequisites: OXI

Language of Instruction: Greek

Available for Erasmus: YES

Semester Lectures: Details/Lectures

Teaching Method: Face-to-face-Lectures Lectures are not mandatory Post lectures on e-class and communicate with students via e-class, email.

Evaluation Method: Students are tested in writing through a multiple choice test and short answer questions. In addition, students are given the possibility of written assignments and/or public (students-staff of the Biology laboratory) presentation of a topic related to the content of the course.

Objective Objectives/Desired Results: The general purpose of the course is to introduce students to the biology of the cell, as the basic structural and functional unit of the phenomenon of life. In particular, the physiological properties of cells, their structure, their organelles, their interactions with each other and with the environment, as well as the way in which they ensure the necessary energy, their life cycle, their division and their death are analyzed. Particular emphasis is placed on the analysis of the structure of biological membranes and their role in the transport of molecules through them as well as in the communication between intracellular compartments. Signal transmission from the extracellular space to the cell's response (movement, division/death or change in gene expression) as well as the modes of intercellular communication are also thoroughly analyzed, while the importance of signaling dysfunction in the etiology of human diseases is also highlighted. Great importance is also given to the description of the process of cell division and death and to the analysis of the strict and multi-level regulation of these processes, in order for the student to understand the importance of their deregulation in the occurrence of diseases, such as cancer. Furthermore, the course seeks to provide students with the basic elements to understand the impact of cell function disturbances on the homeostasis of the organism and the occurrence of human diseases, which the student will be called upon to recognize and deal with in the future as a physician.

The specific objectives of the course are specialized in the following intended learning outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will:
• Has a basic understanding of cell biology and the differences between prokaryotic/eukaryotic organisms
• Has a basic understanding of the biology of supramolecular structures (viruses, prions)
• Can distinguish subcellular organelles and has knowledge of their functions
• Has understood the structure and functional importance of membranes for the cell
• Has understood how cells communicate (signal transduction)
• Has understood the life cycle of the cell (growth, mitosis/decrease, cell death)
• Has basic knowledge of the organization of cells in tissues/organs
• Has understood the concept of cellular homeostasis and the main effects of its disturbance as the basis of the manifestation of diseases
• Has knowledge of the basic techniques/instruments for the study of cells (microscopy, fractionation)
• It is able to distinguish the various cell types of blood and can determine a person's blood type
• Has understood the principles of a serological diagnostic method (ELISA), can understand the result and make the diagnosis
• Can recognize and distinguish cell cycle/mitotic phases and calculate the mitotic index
• Has fluency in using the microscope and the basic instruments of the laboratory (pipettes, centrifuges, water baths).

General Skills
Search, analysis and synthesis of data and information, using the necessary technologies
Autonomous work
Generating new research ideas
Respect for the natural environment
Promotion of free, creative and inductive thinking

Course URL :

Course Description:

Recommended reading: -Suggested Bibliography:
1) [EVDOXOS 102069992]: Basic Principles of Cell Biology, Alberts B., Bray D., Hopkin K., Johnson A., Lewis J., Raff M., Roberts K., Walter P.
2) [SUCCESSFUL 102123643] THE CELL, Geoffrey M. Cooper

-Related scientific journals:
Cell, Journal of Cell Science, Nature Reviews, Molecular Cell Biology, Nature Cell Biology, Trends in Cell Biology, Cell Research

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